Aileen Hughes Grant

Funding Overview:  The Aileen Hughes Grant is awarded annually to an individual representing a Maryland land trust who demonstrated outstanding leadership in land conservation. Funding is awarded to a land trust, on behalf of an individual and their good work (not to the individual). The grant honors the late Aileen Hughes, a true leader in the conservation movement. Aileen was a supporter of women's and civil rights, as well as the protection of our State's natural and cultural resources. Aileen was the President for many years of the American Chestnut Land Trust.

Who can apply:  Maryland land trusts can nominate an individual (from their own land trust or another Maryland land trust) for the Aileen Hughes Award.

How much can be awarded:  $5,000

The objectives of the grant are: To support and acknowledge leaders in Maryland’s land trust community and to encourage a high level of excellence, innovation and collaboration. For more information see the Land Trust Guidelines.

How do I apply:  Applications for Keep Maryland Beautiful grants are submitted online beginning October 1.

Guidance to Applicants

Janice Hollmann Grant

Project Funding Overview:  This grant was established to build sustainable land trusts by increasing organizational capacity, developing community programs and services, implementing Standards and Practices and increasing public support for the diverse spectrum of conservation, stewardship and related land trust activities in the State of Maryland. The grant is given in memory of Janice Hollmann, who exemplified citizen leadership of local land trusts in Maryland.

Who can apply:  Maryland land trusts

How much can be awarded:  Up to $10,000

Is match required:  A 100% match from the land trust of in-kind services and privately raised funds.

The objectives of the grant are: To increase land trust capacity, support programming and innovation and foster stronger, better connected land trusts that will protect all natural resources and enhance the lives of Maryland citizens and generations to come. For more information, see the Land Trust Grant Guidelines.

How do I apply:  Applications for Keep Maryland Beautiful grants are submitted online beginning October 1.

Required Janice Hollmann Grants Material:

  • W9

  • Budget

  • Photographs (not required, but recommended)

Guidance to Applicants