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King County, WA
DCHS DDECSD Community Inclusion Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities-2023+
Deadline  1/1/2030
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Description  [hide this]

The King County Department of Community and Human Services, Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports Division (DDECSD) is seeking qualified agencies to provide Community Inclusion services to eligible adults with developmental disabilities. Community Inclusion (CI) services are individualized support services that offer individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity and support to build relationships and engage in their community.

Funding Available

You can find payment tables on the King County  DDECSD  Contract Requirements webpage, and billable activities for Community Inclusion services on the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)/Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) webpage under Community Inclusion Billable Activities.

The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for CI services is for new applicants only.

Organizations that currently hold a CI services contract with DDECSD do not need to respond to this RFQ.

Organizations that currently hold an Individual Employment contract with DCHS/DDECSD, may contact their King County program manager if they are interested in providing CI services.

This RFQ is open and continuous.

Applicants may apply at any time. King County will begin evaluation of applications on the first Wednesday in March for a potential July 1 contract start date.  King County will continue to evaluate all applications received after this date on a quarterly basis. A schedule in this RFQ details when applicants may expect their application to be reviewed and scored, and when a final decision on their application will be made.

The RFQ is a solicitation for qualifications only and shall not be construed as an offer, a guarantee, or a promise that the solicited qualifications will result in a contract for services with DDECSD. Please read the full RFQ for details, located in the "Library" section of ZoomGrants.

Questions? and How to Request Help  [hide this]

Written Questions

Anyone interested in applying may submit questions about the RFQ in writing prior to the date and time indicated in the RFQ Timeline through the Contact Admin tab in ZoomGrants or by emailing the RFQ Coordinator at The RFQ Coordinator will respond to all questions received by posting an RFQ addendum on ZoomGrants so that all those interested in applying will see answers to all questions asked. 

RFQ Communications

All RFQ documents will be uploaded into the ZoomGrants Library tab. 

The RFQ Coordinator is the sole point of contact for this procurement. All communication regarding the subject matter of this opportunity between Applicants and King County must be through ZoomGrants or the RFQ Coordinator, as follows:

RFQ Coordinator

Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on King County. Applicants are to rely on written statements issued by the RFQ Coordinator.

Communication with anyone other than the RFQ Coordinator on this RFQ may result in disqualification.

Reasonable Accommodation

If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in King County’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process, please contact the RFQ Coordinator at as early as possible after the RFQ opens, with final requests accepted two weeks prior to the RFQ deadline.

Free Grant Application (GA) Consulting 

Grant Application (GA) consulting is available at no cost for all applicants in developing proposals. The King County DCHS GA/CB team will prioritize small entities with fewer than 20 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff and an operating budget of less than $4 million in the prior fiscal year. The main purpose is to eliminate linguistic, cultural, and other barriers that might prevent organizations from seeking government funding. GA Consultants can:

  • Assist in determining appropriate fit between your proposal and this RFQ.
  • Provide guidance on how best to answer questions.
  • Support application review, including editing and budget review.

GA services is being offered at no cost to applicants, and is available in multiple languages, currently including English, Spanish, Keswahili, Japanese, Wolof, French, and Danish.

Applicants can request GA from our GACB Consultants HERE. To ensure the best support possible for applicants the following is requested:  

  • King County GACB will connect you to a GA Consultant via automated email. Please request GA Consulting as early as possible after the RFQ opens, with final GA request two weeks prior to the RFQ deadline. 
  • GA Consultants may be able to accommodate last-minute requests on an as needed basis but will be able to provide the full amount of time and support for earlier requests. 
  • DCHS welcomes applicants’ desire to find a cultural, linguistic, and personal match. If you have connected with a GA Consultant and decide to work with someone else, please inform the initial GA Consultant directly. 
  • To access free GA consulting, please request HERE.  More information on GA Consultants and their contact information can be found on the attachment in the Library tab.  

Eligibility and Requirements  [hide this]

All applicants shall demonstrate through responses to the questions in the RFQ that they can comply with the following:

Guiding Policies

Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the following documents as they offer helpful information for responding to this RFQ, and guidance for providing quality services.

  1. DSHS/DDA Guiding Values
  2. DSHS/DDA Policy 4.11, County Services for Working Age Adults
  3. DSHS/DDA Criteria for Evaluation
  4. DSHS/DDA Community Inclusion Frequently Asked Questions
  5. King County’s Equity and Social Justice strategic plan.


  1. All qualified applicants shall comply with the King County Community and Human Services standard terms and conditions: A sample of this agreement is located at this link: DDECSD Community Inclusion Services Contract.
  2. All qualified applicants must meet the requirements detailed in DSHS/DDA Policy 6.13 Provider Qualifications for Employment and Day Program Services prior to entering a contract. Required documents and specifications detailed in this policy will be requested in this RFQ.
  3. If an applicant becomes contracted with DDECSD, the organization shall also demonstrate an understanding of the following policies:
    1. Disability Rights Washington Access Agreement
    2. Department of Labor Standards for Volunteering
    3. Washington Administrative Codes (WACs)
      1. 388-06 Background Checks
      2. 388-845 Washington State DSHS/DDA Home and Community Based Waivers
    4. Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Developmental Disabilities Administration Policies
      1. 3.01 Service Plans
      2. 4.11 County Services for Working Age Adults, as applicable
      3. 5.01 Background Authorizations
      4. 5.02 Necessary Supplemental Accommodation
      5. 5.03 Client Complaints
      6. 5.05 Limited English Proficiency Clients
      7. 5.06 Client Rights
      8. 5.14 Positive Behavior Support
      9. 5.15 Use of Restrictive Procedures
      10. 5.17 Physical Intervention Techniques
      11. 5.23 Functional Assessments and Positive Behavior Support Plans: Employment and Day
      12. 6.08 Incident Management and Reporting Requirements for County and County Contracted Providers
      13. 6.13 Provider Qualifications for Employment and Day Program Services
      14. 7.05 Mortality Reviews
      15. 13.04 Disability Rights Washington Inclusion to Client Records Maintained by DSHS/DDA.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
Grant Application Consultants DCHSGACBConsultantsBIOS.pdf 1/12/2023 3:29:16 PM PDF
Amendment One (1) Amendment01VAXCI.pdf 2/10/2023 2:25:09 PM PDF
DDECSD Community Inclusion Services RFQ 2023+ OpenandContinuousDDECSDCommunityInclusionRFQ-novax.pdf 3/13/2023 12:05:34 PM PDF

Application Status: Not Submitted

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1. Where are you planning on serving clients?
Select “All” only if you are planning and able to serve clients from every zip code within King County. This is being collected for information purposes only. This question is not scored as part of the evaluation process.