JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – A new VA mobile medical unit is active and ready to serve people all across Mississippi.

The fully equipped bus can bring medical assistance to thousands of veterans all across the state especially those homebound and in rural areas. The mobile unit can also be used for deployment during natural disasters and open as a vaccine clinic.

Wendell Henderson, a drive-carrier for the VA Medical Center, said, “A lot of folks ask me what this is for, and I explain it to them, just tell them what it is for. It is for deployment, emergency disaster, emergency’s things like that.”

Kai Mentzer, the medical center director at the VA, said, “This bus means a lot to us here in Jackson, and the more than 40,000 veterans that we care for. This will be the new face of the VA and our outreach event that happen over the next decade in this bus.”

The VA is working to get two more units. Mentzer said if you see the bus parked somewhere and you’re a veteran, stop by and say hello and see what they can do for you.