
The Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the designated regional planning agency for Lake and Sumter Counties. All federal transportation funding for the area is administered by the MPO. A Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a federally-required document that is updated every five years. The 2045 LRTP determines where transportation investments will occur in Lake and Sumter Counties through the year 2045. It identifies needs, determines how much funding is available, and decides which projects should be constructed. The 2045 LRTP considers all modes of transportation, including vehicles, transit, bicycles, pedestrians, and freight. It also considers issues such as transportation operations, technology, maintenance, and policies. The LRTP is a required document before federal dollars can be spent in the region.

We want your input on the draft LRTP! The survey should only take a few minutes to complete. Let's get started!