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Here's how you know

Keep or change your insurance plan

Automatic re-enrollment keeps you covered

, if you have Marketplace coverage, we'll automatically enroll you in a plan for next year, so you avoid a gap in coverage.
To make sure you get the savings you qualify for and have a plan that works for you, act by December 15 so coverage starts January 1.
You'll get a letter telling you if you'll be automatically enrolled in the same or a different plan.
  • If you don't want that plan, enroll in a different one by December 15.
  • If you're automatically enrolled and your coverage started, you can still change plans until January 15 (when Open Enrollment ends).

Log in to update, compare plans, & enroll

  • Update your application with your expected income and household information for the plan year you want coverage.
  • Compare the plan you're matched with to other plans available to you.
  • Pick the plan that best meets your needs and enroll in it — you can choose to enroll in the one you're matched with or any plan available to you.
After Open Enrollment ends, you can enroll in or change plans only if you qualify for a

More answers: Automatic re-enrollment keeps you covered