Image: PODER, Antonio Diaz

A 100% grassroots-governed fund supporting grassroots-led climate solutions.

Frontline-led climate solutions cool the planet and lead us to local, living, regenerative economies. They are replicable, scalable, sustainable, just, available to us now, and ready for investment.

>>> The Fund for Frontline Power was recently featured in Inside Philanthropy. Read here.

Image: Indigenous Environmental Network, Mary Crowe

Trust the Grassroots

Frontline communities — those impacted first, worst, and for centuries by environmental injustice and systemic racism — have long-recognized that the climate crisis is here.

As we witness the escalating impacts of compounding crises and the innovations of interconnected solutions, we must accelerate the flow of liberated self-determination capital, land stewardship, and resources to the grassroots. 

We cannot solve the climate crisis with incremental actions, market-based schemes, or techno-fixes that perpetuate harm. We must root our future in economies and communities grounded in equity, justice, and well-being. Frontline communities have developed bold and practical solutions that do just that!

Transition is inevitable.
Justice is not.

Image: Sustainable Georgia Futures, Adrienne Rice

When the grassroots lead, We All Win

In 2021, 13 state, regional, and national alliances and networks came together to build out the governance body of the Fund for Frontline Power, and recommend BIPOC grassroots leaders to fill the seats.

By design, the fund is fully grassroots-governed and brings together experienced leaders with varied lived and movement experiences to comprise a robust team to lead all decision-making for the Fund. Thirteen grassroots leaders have committed to holding the governing positions, representing specific sectors and constituencies. Together, they are developing strategies to move money to grassroots-led climate solutions and share their visions, priorities, and practices for movement-led philanthropy with the field.

The creation and start-up phase of the Fund for Frontline Power are being supported by Climate Justice Alliance and The Solutions Project. At the request of grassroots groups, the Fund is housed at The Solutions Project. The work and vision of the governance body is directly supported by the People’s Climate Innovation Center, who is providing coordination, facilitation, and capacity building support.

Our Funding Partners

We extend our gratitude to the forward-thinking funding partners of the Fund for Frontline Power.

Elizabeth Skavish and
Michael Rubenstein

Environmental Justice Resourcing Collective

Contact us

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