Free, local help is available to understand your options and apply for coverage.

Maine’s Consumers for Affordable Health Care operates a state-wide HelpLine to answer questions about eligibility for health insurance, assist with completing an application, and completing enrollment in a plan through or MaineCare. Reach them Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm at 1-800-965-7476, TTY: 771 or visit

You can also use the map below to find a trained and certified broker or Maine Enrollment Assister near you. We also have a searchable table of all brokers and assisters.

What’s the difference between Maine Enrollment Assisters and brokers?

Both Assisters and brokers can help you enroll in health insurance, and their services are free to you. Assisters provide unbiased information and help you apply for either MaineCare or a Marketplace plan, but they won’t endorse a specific plan choice for you. Brokers can help you find a plan that fits your needs, and most can provide a referral if you need help applying for MaineCare. A Broker will be able to help you at no cost to you, but they may get paid by an insurance company.


    View a searchable table of all brokers and assisters.