Become a
U.S. Citizen
Free, Safe, and Simple
Connect with free, quality online legal help to apply for citizenship!
The New York State Office for New Americans has partnered with Citizenshipworks and GMHC to bring quality, free citizenship assistance to all New Yorkers.
During a free phone or video consultation, a legal expert at GMHC will answer your questions, check over your application, and explain your next steps.

Click Get Started!

Conéctese con asistencia legal gratuita en línea para aplicar para la ciudadanía!
La Oficina para Nuevos Estadounidenses del Estado de Nueva York se ha asociado con Citizenshipworks y GMHC para brindar asistencia gratuita y de calidad a los neoyorquinos en todo el estado.
Durante una consulta gratis telefónica o una videollamada, un experto legal de GMHC responderá sus preguntas, revisará su solicitud y le explicará los próximos pasos.

¡Haga clic Get Started para empezar!

About the New York State Office for New Americans

Through its statewide network of community-based providers, ONA assists all new Americans in accessing and navigating a variety of free services and supports their inclusion as an integral part of New York State’s diverse cultural fabric. For any immigrant in need of assistance, or to connect with ONA’s free programs, call the New Americans Hotline at 1-800-566-7636 (9:00am to 8:00pm, Monday through Friday). All calls are confidential. Assistance is available in over 200 languages.

Acerca de Oficina para Nuevos Estadounidenses del Estado de Nueva York

A través de su red estatal de proveedores comunitarios, la ONA ayuda a todos los nuevos estadounidenses a acceder y navegar por una variedad de servicios gratuitos y apoya su inclusión como parte integral del diverso tejido cultural del Estado de Nueva York. Para cualquier inmigrante que necesite ayuda, o para ponerse en contacto con los programas gratuitos de la ONA, llame a la línea directa para nuevos estadounidenses al 1-800-566-7636 (de 9:00 a 20:00, de lunes a viernes). Todas las llamadas son confidenciales. La asistencia está disponible en más de 200 idiomas.



Step 1
Answer simple questions using our free online service
Our interview makes the complicated citizenship form simple. We guide you through the application from start to finish. 

Nuestra entrevista simplifica la solicitud de ciudadania. Le guiamos a través de la solicitud de principio a fin.

Step 2
Access free or low-cost legal help with your application
GMHC can help you with your application. Their legal experts will review your answers on Citizenshipworks and answer any questions you may have.
GMHC puede ayudarle con su solicitud. Sus expertos legales revisaran tus respuestas  en Citizenshipworks y responder a cualquier pregunta que tenga.


Step 3
Mail your application when you are ready and prepare for your citizenship interview
We tell you everything you need to apply for citizenship. When you are ready, mail it all to the USCIS (the government).
Te decimos todo lo que necesita para solicitar la ciudadania. Cuando esté listo, envíe todo por correo al USCIS (el gobierno).


Don't take it from us. Hear what our partners have to say.

“100% recommended. A free and easy service. The citizenship application can be tedious, complicated and expensive, but with Citizenshipworks, I was able to make my request in less than two days.”

Orlando, FL

“Excellent resource for filing for citizenship on your own with step by step guidance put forth in an easy non-overwhelming way! Highly recommended! Thank you to Citizenshipworks, a service to humanity.”

Austin, TX

"They are great with all who come to ask for help. Very cooperative and dedicated. They do an immense job helping the community.”

Miami, Fl

Become a U.S. Citizen
Free, Safe, and Simple.