Bringing insight & ease to your next transition

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Ready to Sell?

Find out what makes Care Realty Co. the right company to sell your home. Also learn about steps you can take to get your home ready to sell and what to expect during the process.


Ready to Buy?

Congratulations on being ready to buy! Find out how I can help you be in the best position to purchase and learn what to expect from this moment until you get to the closing table.

Intentional Room Design

Design paired with intention and intuition can support you in living the fullest expression of yourself. Learn how we can create more inner and outer beauty in your life through intentional design.


Designing Transitions

Through design, Feng Shui, and intuition, I can help you use your home to support yourself through life transitions. Be prepared for new perspectives and experiences!

Ready to Learn?

From learning about selling a home to saving for one, to decorating on a budget, to deepening the journey of self-compassion, and to better understanding the economic issues of our day, read on to discover inspirational and educational content.


Company Ethos

There is no reason why the richest country in the world should also be a country that has one of the largest gaps between rich and poor. While just one company, it is my mission to use my platform and profit to do what I can to contribute to lessening that gap in meaningful ways.


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