HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – Governor Josh Shapiro has signed a bill into law that expands access to fishing for some people without a license.

Senate Bill 146 creates an exemption from license requirements if the participant is part of a therapeutic recreation program.

The program must meet established standards and be under the direction of a supervising instructor who has a valid license.

The program’s sponsor must also apply for and receive permission from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s executive director.

Previously the statute only exempted those if they were part of an educational program.

The bill’s prime sponsor, Senator James Brewster (D-Allegheny) originally introduced the bill to establish free fishing for veterans in therapeutic programs.

“I know firsthand that outdoor recreation and fishing is not only important to our state’s tourism and economy, but it can also serve as a successful rehabilitative activity,” said Brewster back in December 2022. “Fishing provides time connecting with the outdoors and nature and has been recommended by health care professionals to aid those with a wide range of diagnoses. Including mental and physical disabilities, cancer or other chronic diseases, recovery from addiction, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

The bill passed unanimously in the State Senate last summer and again passed unanimously in the State House in March.

The law will take effect in 60 days from March 28 after receiving the Governor’s signature.