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Need Browsing Bags? Best deal of the summer! A box containing 100 browsing bags for $49.99. You will not find a better price!
There is still time to place an order for 2021! Orders are generally shipping out the day they are placed. Visit:
2021 Tails & Tales themed StickTogethers are still available. Click here to view!

Turtle Crossing!

Save the Turtles. It's a global hashtag, a social media movement, and a call to action the Elizabeth Harris Library in Unadilla, GA fully supports though their digital Care of Magical Creatures classes being held this summer as part of their Tails and Tales summer program!

Library Manager Rhonda W. Bartlett reported that by working with community leaders in the Unadilla area, the library is helping raise awareness of a local "turtle crossing" area. By alerting drivers to the turtles' habitat and working to get signs posted to encourage drivers to slow down, the library is helping save these wonderful creatures.
What "Tales" does your library have to tell for 2021? Please send your photos, ideas, and any informative details to Luke Kralik at: I would love to share them in our newsletter.

Looking for some ideas for 2021 to use or share?

Qualitative Success Stories

By: Elizabeth Boggs, Assistant Branch Manager, Katherine Tyra Branch Library, Houston, TX

Numbers and data are a ton of fun to process! When we only focus on the numbers, though, we can miss the bigger picture. Does it really matter how many people attended a program, if none of them enjoyed it?

To get a richer idea of a library’s impact, it is beneficial to look at both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data basically consists of measurable numbers. Qualitative data is usually more descriptive; it can be gathered by asking patrons open-ended questions. Without qualitative data, we miss seeing the whole impact of our work.

When numbers are disappointing, we can also turn to qualitative data to demonstrate the value of library services to ourselves and our stakeholders. We know summer 2020 was difficult. But libraries persevered! We want to highlight some of the success stories (there’s that qualitative data tie!) that you shared with us in our 2020 CSLP Annual Survey. All of these stories are direct quotes from libraries just like yours.

“The ‘grab and go’ bags were a huge success with parents reporting that their children would run to the door every Monday to see what was in the bag.”

“We had many parents at the summer feeding sites where we gave out take home kits tell us how much they appreciated our efforts to engage the kids. It really showed how much the library cares about children and keeping them reading throughout the summer.”

“I had many new families participate this year and received many positive comments about my programs ... A girl even brought me a hand made thank you card!”

“While providing curbside service, a child was waving a ‘I love my library flag’ out of his car window.”

“We had a summer program and people participated. This year, that felt like a success!”

Now that you’ve read these success stories from these libraries, remember to record positive experiences about this summer, so you can share your own summer reading successes. How can you share these qualitative data stories with YOUR community?
Public libraries feed hungry bodies as well as hungry minds during the summer – and throughout the year. The CSLP’s Child and Community Well-Being committee encourages library involvement in activities that support wellness, from summer and afterschool meals, to well-being programming, to support for basic needs, all to help children, teens, and communities stay nourished, active, and healthy when school is out. Resources include the Libraries and Summer Food page on the CSLP website; a Facebook group for news, support, and resource-sharing; and an ongoing series of stories showcasing the experiences of libraries around the country.

Garden Grill Cooking Demo @ the Mulvane Public Library

By Maggie Pinnick, Adult Program Coordinator, Mulvane Public Library, KS

On June 3rd, 2021, the Mulvane Public Library hosted an outdoor cooking demo with Nick Stroot from Garden Grill – a vegan/vegetarian meal delivery service based in Wichita, KS.

Nick is the owner and chef of the company and has been vegan for about seven years. He has a passion for vegan cuisine because it has helped him and his family be healthier. He said becoming a full-time vegan was a process and not something he did overnight. He then learned how to cook professionally at a vegan restaurant for four years before the owner moved to Michigan. From there, Nick created a Kansas-certified commercial kitchen at his home, and he developed his current business.

Outside the library, staff set up a table and chairs in the shade for everyone to learn about vegan cuisine. Nick came in and gave a brief overview of this diet and his business. He then demonstrated how to make a tofu ricotta filling that can be used for various dishes, including stuffed shells, manicotti, and lasagna. Nick said it was a go-to meal for parties or events that had non-vegan eaters attending. While demoing the filling, he talked about different types of tofu, ingredients he likes to keep on hand for vegan cooking, and where he buys his food.

After demoing how he makes the ricotta, Nick passed out previously made stuffed shells in a homemade tomato sauce for everyone to try. The shells were soft and slightly chewy with the creamy tofu ricotta inside. The olives added a nice texture that complimented the dish along with the robust tomato sauce. It definitely didn't give you vegan vibes (what are those anyway?) and felt like an easy transition food if you wanted to start a Meatless Monday.

Ironically, the Library Loot prize our patrons were entering to win was for Stroot's Meat Locker here in town. Library Loot is a raffle for our adult patrons who attend adult programs. What could have been an odd promotion to make during a vegan cooking demonstration turned out okay because the chef was related to the owners. Hooray for non-awkward situations! The rest of the evening was spent chatting with the chef about other vegan food substitutes, favorite flavors, and patrons chatting with each other. It was a fun night for all.

What is on the horizon for CSLP?

2021: Theme/Animals; Slogan/”Tails and Tales” Artist/Salina Yoon

2022: Theme/Oceanography; Slogan/"Oceans of Possibilities" Artist/Sophie Blackall

2023: Theme/Kindness and Friendship; Slogan/"All Together Now"; Artist/Frank Morrison

2024: Theme/Adventure; Slogan/TBD; Artist/Juana Martinez-Neal
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