Route 2 in Caroline County Reduced to One Lane Mid. - Jan. for Bridge Maintenance

Starting Monday, Jan. 15, vehicles on Route 2 near Bowie’s Pond will be controlled by a temporary signal directing one-way traffic over the structure

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – Construction will begin in mid-January to improve the condition of the Route 2 (Fredericksburg Turnpike) bridge over Bowie’s Pond in Caroline County.

Starting Monday, Jan. 15, Route 2 will be reduced to a single lane near Bowie’s Pond to allow crews to safely complete maintenance work. A temporary traffic signal will be installed to direct one-way, alternating on Route 2 during the project. This traffic pattern will be in place 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Route 2 will be reduced to a single lane at Bowie’s Pond for approximately three months, through early April 2024.

There will be a temporary speed reduction of 45 mph in the work zone on Route 2, from approximately a half-mile northbound and southbound of the bridge.

The temporary traffic signal will be equipped with technology that detects the presence of emergency response vehicles to adjust signal timing in the event of an emergency.

The project will address recurring cracking on the bridge’s travel surface by strengthening the connections between beams and installing a new concrete travel surface.

Construction crews will work in one lane of the bridge at a time, keeping the other lane open to carry traffic. Once work is accomplished on one half of the bridge, traffic will be shifted to the rehabilitated lane, and the other lane will then close for maintenance.

Once the new concrete travel surface is installed, it will take more than 30 days to cure. During this time, minimal work activity will be underway.

Last updated: May 10, 2024

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