Historic Homes Rehabilitation Tax Credit



The Historic Homes Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program provides a 30% tax credit up to $30,000 per unit, for historic restoration and rehabilitation of one to four unit historic homes listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places either individually or as a contributing resource to a district. A minimum historic rehabilitation expenditure of $15,000 is required.

For a user-guide with program information, frequently asked questions, and other resources please click on the following: HHTC User-guide

For a step-by-step application guide, please click on the following: WORD DOC or PDF VIEWER

For statute language, please click on the following: Sec. 10-416. (Formerly Sec. 10-320j). Tax credits for rehabilitation of historic homes.

For CT SHPO's GIS system ConnCRIS, please click on the following: http://conncris.ct.gov/