Sample Letter to Request Exemption from Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Guarantee

The letter template below can be used by an Ohio Parent or Caregiver to let your child’s school know that you do not want your child to repeat the third grade because of their score on the third grade English Language Arts test. While you as a parent are given the ultimate authority about whether or not your child is promoted to the fourth grade, you need to talk with your child’s grade 3 reading teacher and school principal. View our sample talking points for that conversation. These resources were developed in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. For more information or if you have questions, contact

Sample Letter

Dear [Principal Name],

Based on my discussion with you and [reading teacher’s name], I am requesting that my child, [child’s name], be promoted to grade 4 as allowable under the Parent Request Exemption in Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code 3313.608).

I understand that my child:

  • has not met the promotion score on Ohio’s state test for grade 3 English language arts but will be promoted to grade 4 at my request;
  • will have a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan in grade 4 and that this Plan will continue each year until my child is reading at grade level (by scoring proficient on Ohio’s state test for English language arts); and
  • will receive at least 90 minutes of daily reading instruction that includes intensive intervention until my child no longer has a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan.

Thank you, 

[Parent/Caregiver Name] 
