Central Valley Enhanced

Acoustic Tagging Project


Spring Pulse Flow Chinook salmon Survival Study

2022-2023 Season (PROVISIONAL DATA)

Telemetry Study Template for this study can be found here

1. Project Status

Study is complete, all tags are no longer active as of 2023-08-31. All times in Pacific Standard Time.

Study began on 2023-04-18 09:05:00, see tagging details below:
Release First_release_time Last_release_time Number_fish_released Release_location Release_rkm Mean_length Mean_weight
Before Pulse 2023-04-18 09:05:00 2023-04-19 10:05:00 251 RBDD_Rel 461.579 84.1 7.5
First Pulse 2023-04-24 10:10:00 2023-04-25 09:45:00 250 RBDD_Rel 461.579 84.8 6.9
Second Pulse - Week 1 2023-05-02 09:07:00 2023-05-03 09:07:00 250 RBDD_Rel 461.579 86.2 7.5
Second Pulse - Week 2 2023-05-09 09:05:00 2023-05-10 08:25:00 250 RBDD_Rel 461.579 86.6 7.2
Second Pulse - Week 3 2023-05-16 08:26:00 2023-05-17 08:50:00 250 RBDD_Rel 461.579 88.5 7.5

2. Real-time Fish Detections


# Create connection with cloud database
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
                Driver = "SQL Server",
                Server = "calfishtrack-server.database.windows.net",
                Database = "realtime_detections",
                UID = "realtime_user",
                PWD = "Pass@123",
                Port = 1433)

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

if (nrow(detects_study[is.na(detects_study$DateTime_PST)==F,]) == 0){
   cat("No detections yet")

   # Use dbplyr to load realtime_locs and qryHexCodes sql table
   gen_locs <- tbl(con, "realtime_locs") %>% collect()
   # gen_locs <- read.csv("realtime_locs.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) %>% filter(is.na(stop))

   leaflet(data = gen_locs[is.na(gen_locs$stop),]) %>%
       # setView(-72.14600, 43.82977, zoom = 8) %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldStreetMap", group = "Map") %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite") %>% 
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldShadedRelief", group = "Relief") %>%
       # Marker data are from the sites data frame. We need the ~ symbols
       # to indicate the columns of the data frame.
       addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude, label = ~general_location, group = "Receiver Sites", popup = ~location) %>% 
       # addAwesomeMarkers(~lon_dd, ~lat_dd, label = ~locality, group = "Sites", icon=icons) %>%
       addScaleBar(position = "bottomleft") %>%
          baseGroups = c("Street Map", "Satellite", "Relief"),
          overlayGroups = c("Receiver Sites"),
          options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>%
          addSearchFeatures(targetGroups = c("Receiver Sites"))
} else {

   # Use dbplyr to load realtime_locs and qryHexCodes sql table
   gen_locs <- tbl(con, "realtime_locs") %>% collect()
   # gen_locs <- read.csv("realtime_locs.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)

   endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")),

   beacon_by_day <- fread("beacon_by_day.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
      mutate(day = as.Date(day)) %>%
      # Subset to only look at data for the correct beacon for that day
      filter(TagCode == beacon)  %>% 
      # Only keep beacon by day for days since fish were released
      filter(day >= as.Date(min(study_tagcodes$release_time)) & day <= endtime) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(., gen_locs[,c("location", "general_location","rkm")], by = "location")

   arrivals_per_day <- detects_study %>%
      group_by(general_location, TagCode) %>%
      summarise(DateTime_PST = min(DateTime_PST, na.rm = T)) %>%
      arrange(TagCode, general_location) %>%
      mutate(day = as.Date(DateTime_PST, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "Etc/GMT+8")) %>%
      group_by(day, general_location) %>%
      summarise(New_arrivals = length(TagCode)) %>%
      na.omit() %>%
      mutate(day = as.Date(day)) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(unique(beacon_by_day[,c("general_location", "day", "rkm")]), ., 
                       by = c("general_location", "day")) %>%
      arrange(general_location, day) %>%
      mutate(day = as.factor(day)) %>%
      filter(general_location != "Bench_test") %>% # Remove bench test
      filter(!(is.na(general_location))) # Remove NA locations

   ## Remove sites that were not operation the whole time
   gen_locs_days_in_oper <- arrivals_per_day %>%
      group_by(general_location) %>%
      summarise(days_in_oper = length(day))
   #gen_locs_days_in_oper <- gen_locs_days_in_oper[gen_locs_days_in_oper$days_in_oper ==
   #                                               max(gen_locs_days_in_oper$days_in_oper),]
   arrivals_per_day_in_oper <- arrivals_per_day %>%
      filter(general_location %in% gen_locs_days_in_oper$general_location)

   fish_per_site <- arrivals_per_day_in_oper %>%
      group_by(general_location) %>%
      summarise(fish_count = sum(New_arrivals, na.rm=T))

   gen_locs_mean_coords <- gen_locs %>%
      filter(is.na(stop) & general_location %in% fish_per_site$general_location) %>%
      group_by(general_location) %>%
      summarise(latitude = mean(latitude), # estimate mean lat and lons for each genloc
                longitude = mean(longitude))

   fish_per_site <- merge(fish_per_site, gen_locs_mean_coords)

     leaflet(data = fish_per_site) %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldStreetMap", group = "Street Map") %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite") %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldShadedRelief", group = "Relief") %>%
       # Marker data are from the sites data frame. We need the ~ symbols
       # to indicate the columns of the data frame.
       addPulseMarkers(lng = fish_per_site$longitude, lat = fish_per_site$latitude, label = ~fish_count, 
                       labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textsize = "15px"), group = "Receiver Sites",
                       popup = ~general_location, icon = makePulseIcon(heartbeat = 1.3)) %>%
       addCircleMarkers(data = release_stats, ~Release_lon, ~Release_lat, label = ~Number_fish_released, stroke = F, color = "blue", fillOpacity = 1, 
                        group = "Release Sites", popup = ~Release_location, labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textsize = "15px")) %>%
       addScaleBar(position = "bottomleft") %>%
       addLegend("bottomright", labels = c("Receivers", "Release locations"), colors = c("red","blue")) %>%
       addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("Street Map", "Satellite", "Relief"), options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))
   } else {
     leaflet(data = fish_per_site) %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.NatGeoWorldMap", group = "Street Map") %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite") %>%
       addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldShadedRelief", group = "Relief") %>%
       # Marker data are from the sites data frame. We need the ~ symbols
       # to indicate the columns of the data frame.
       addPulseMarkers(lng = fish_per_site$longitude, lat = fish_per_site$latitude, label = ~fish_count, 
                       labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T, textsize = "15px"), group = "Receiver Sites",
                       popup = ~general_location, icon = makePulseIcon(heartbeat = 1.3)) %>%
       addScaleBar(position = "bottomleft") %>%
       addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("Street Map", "Satellite", "Relief"),
                        options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))

2.1 Map of unique fish detections at operational realtime detection locations

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

if (nrow(detects_study[is.na(detects_study$DateTime_PST)==F,]) > 0){

   detects_study <- detects_study[order(detects_study$TagCode, detects_study$DateTime_PST),]
   ## Now estimate the time in hours between the previous and next detection, for each detection. 
   detects_study$prev_genloc <- shift(detects_study$general_location, fill = NA, type = "lag")
   #detects_study$prev_genloc <- shift(detects_study$General_Location, fill = NA, type = "lag")
   ## Now make NA the time diff values when it's between 2 different tagcodes or genlocs
   detects_study[which(detects_study$TagCode != shift(detects_study$TagCode, fill = NA, type = "lag")), "prev_genloc"] <- NA
   detects_study[which(detects_study$general_location != detects_study$prev_genloc), "prev_genloc"] <- NA
   detects_study$mov_score <- 0
   detects_study[is.na(detects_study$prev_genloc), "mov_score"] <- 1
   detects_study$mov_counter <- cumsum(detects_study$mov_score)

   detects_summary <- aggregate(list(first_detect = detects_study$DateTime_PST), by = list(TagCode = detects_study$TagCode, length = detects_study$length, release_time = detects_study$release_time, mov_counter = detects_study$mov_counter ,general_location = detects_study$general_location, river_km = detects_study$river_km, release_rkm = detects_study$release_rkm), min)

   detects_summary <- detects_summary[is.na(detects_summary$first_detect) == F,]
   releases <- aggregate(list(first_detect = detects_summary$release_time), by = list(TagCode = detects_summary$TagCode, length = detects_summary$length, release_time = detects_summary$release_time, release_rkm = detects_summary$release_rkm), min)
   releases$river_km <- releases$release_rkm
   releases$mov_counter <- NA
   releases$general_location <- NA

   detects_summary <- rbindlist(list(detects_summary, releases), use.names = T)
   detects_summary <- detects_summary[order(detects_summary$TagCode, detects_summary$first_detect),]

   starttime <- as.Date(min(detects_study$release_time), "Etc/GMT+8")
   ## Endtime should be either now, or end of predicted tag life, whichever comes first
   endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"))+1, max(as.Date(detects_study$release_time)+(as.numeric(detects_study$tag_life))))
   #par(mar=c(6, 5, 2, 5) + 0.1)

   plot_ly(detects_summary, width = 900, height = 600, dynamicTicks = TRUE) %>%
      add_lines(x = ~first_detect, y = ~river_km, color = ~TagCode) %>%
      add_markers(x = ~first_detect, y = ~river_km, color = ~TagCode, showlegend = F) %>%
      layout(showlegend = T, 
         xaxis = list(title = "<b> Date <b>", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T, range=c(starttime,endtime)),
         yaxis = list(title = "<b> Kilometers upstream of the Golden Gate <b>", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T, range=c(max(detects_study$Rel_rkm)+10, min(gen_locs[is.na(gen_locs$stop),"rkm"])-10)),
         legend = list(title=list(text='<b> Tag Code </b>')),
         margin=list(l = 50,r = 100,b = 50,t = 50)

   plot(1:2, type = "n", xlab = "",xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "Kilometers upstream of the Golden Gate")
   text(1.5,1.5, labels = "NO DETECTIONS YET", cex = 2)

2.2 Waterfall Detection Plot



try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

detects_3 <- detects_study %>% filter(general_location == "Blw_Salt_RT")

if(nrow(detects_3) == 0){
   plot(1:2, type = "n", xlab = "",xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of fish arrivals per day")
   text(1.5,1.5, labels = "NO DETECTIONS YET", cex = 2)
} else {
  detects_3 <- detects_3 %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., detects_3 %>%
                        group_by(TagCode) %>% 
                        summarise(first_detect = min(DateTime_PST))) %>%
                        mutate(Day = as.Date(as.Date(first_detect, "Etc/GMT+8")))

  starttime <- as.Date(min(detects_3$release_time), "Etc/GMT+8")

  # Endtime should be either now, or end of predicted tag life, whichever comes first
  endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")),

  daterange <- data.frame(Day = seq.Date(from = starttime, to = endtime, by = "day"))

  rels            <- unique(study_tagcodes$Release)
  rel_num         <- length(rels)
  rels_no_detects <- as.character(rels[!(rels %in% unique(detects_3$Release))])

  tagcount1 <- detects_3 %>%
               group_by(Day, Release) %>%
               summarise(unique_tags = length(unique(TagCode))) %>%
               spread(Release, unique_tags)

  daterange1 <- merge(daterange, tagcount1, all.x=T)
  daterange1[is.na(daterange1)] <- 0

    for(i in rels_no_detects){
      daterange1 <- cbind(daterange1, x=NA)
      names(daterange1)[names(daterange1) == "x"] <- paste(i)

  # Download flow data
  flow_day <- readNWISuv(siteNumbers = "11377100", parameterCd="00060", startDate = starttime, 
                         endDate = endtime+1) %>%
                  mutate(Day = as.Date(format(dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d"))) %>%
                  group_by(Day) %>%
                  summarise(parameter_value = mean(X_00060_00000))

  ## reorder columns in alphabetical order so its coloring in barplots is consistent
  daterange2 <- daterange1[,order(colnames(daterange1))] %>%
                dplyr::left_join(., flow_day, by = "Day")
  rownames(daterange2) <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Date      <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Day       <- NULL
  daterange2_flow      <- daterange2 %>% select(Date, parameter_value)
  daterange3           <- melt(daterange2[,!(names(daterange2) %in% c("parameter_value"))], 
                               id.vars = "Date", variable.name = ".")
  daterange3$.         <- factor(daterange3$., levels = sort(unique(daterange3$.), decreasing = T))

  par(mar=c(6, 5, 2, 5) + 0.1)
  ay <- list(
    overlaying = "y",
    nticks = 5,
    color = "#947FFF",
    side = "right",
    title = "Flow (cfs) at Bend Bridge",
    automargin = TRUE

  plot_ly(daterange3, width = 900, height = 600, dynamicTicks = TRUE) %>%
          add_bars(x = ~Date, y = ~value, color = ~.) %>%
          add_annotations(text="Release (click on legend items to isolate)", xref="paper", yref="paper",
                          x=0.01, xanchor="left",
                          y=1.056, yanchor="top",    # Same y as legend below
                          legendtitle=TRUE, showarrow=FALSE ) %>%
                    line = list(color = alpha("#947FFF", alpha = 0.5)), yaxis="y2", showlegend=FALSE, 
                    inherit=FALSE) %>%
          layout(yaxis2 = ay,showlegend = T, 
          barmode = "stack",
          xaxis = list(title = "Date", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T), 
          yaxis = list(title = "Number of fish arrivals per day", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T),
          legend = list(orientation = "h",x = 0.34, y = 1.066),
          margin=list(l = 50,r = 100,b = 50,t = 50))


2.3 Detections at Salt Creek versus Sacramento River flows at Bend Bridge for duration of tag life



try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

detects_4 <- detects_study %>% filter(general_location == "MeridianBr")

if(nrow(detects_4) == 0){
   plot(1:2, type = "n", xlab = "",xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of fish arrivals per day")
   text(1.5,1.5, labels = "NO DETECTIONS YET", cex = 2)
} else {
  detects_4 <- detects_4 %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., detects_4 %>%
                        group_by(TagCode) %>% 
                        summarise(first_detect = min(DateTime_PST))) %>%
                        mutate(Day = as.Date(as.Date(first_detect, "Etc/GMT+8")))

  starttime <- as.Date(min(detects_4$release_time), "Etc/GMT+8")

  # Endtime should be either now, or end of predicted tag life, whichever comes first
  endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")),

  daterange <- data.frame(Day = seq.Date(from = starttime, to = endtime, by = "day"))

  rels            <- unique(study_tagcodes$Release)
  rel_num         <- length(rels)
  rels_no_detects <- as.character(rels[!(rels %in% unique(detects_4$Release))])

  tagcount1 <- detects_4 %>%
               group_by(Day, Release) %>%
               summarise(unique_tags = length(unique(TagCode))) %>%
               spread(Release, unique_tags)

  daterange1 <- merge(daterange, tagcount1, all.x=T)
  daterange1[is.na(daterange1)] <- 0

    for(i in rels_no_detects){
      daterange1 <- cbind(daterange1, x=NA)
      names(daterange1)[names(daterange1) == "x"] <- paste(i)

  # Download flow data
  flow_day <- readNWISuv(siteNumbers = "11390500", parameterCd="00060", startDate = starttime, 
                         endDate = endtime+1) %>%
                  mutate(Day = as.Date(format(dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d"))) %>%
                  group_by(Day) %>%
                  summarise(parameter_value = mean(X_00060_00000))

  ## reorder columns in alphabetical order so its coloring in barplots is consistent
  daterange2 <- daterange1[,order(colnames(daterange1))] %>%
                dplyr::left_join(., flow_day, by = "Day")
  rownames(daterange2) <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Date      <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Day       <- NULL
  daterange2_flow      <- daterange2 %>% select(Date, parameter_value)
  daterange3           <- melt(daterange2[,!(names(daterange2) %in% c("parameter_value"))], 
                               id.vars = "Date", variable.name = ".")
  daterange3$.         <- factor(daterange3$., levels = sort(unique(daterange3$.), decreasing = T))

  par(mar=c(6, 5, 2, 5) + 0.1)
  ay <- list(
    overlaying = "y",
    nticks = 5,
    color = "#947FFF",
    side = "right",
    title = "Flow (cfs) at Wilkins Slough",
    automargin = TRUE

  plot_ly(daterange3, width = 900, height = 600, dynamicTicks = TRUE) %>%
          add_bars(x = ~Date, y = ~value, color = ~.) %>%
          add_annotations(text="Release (click on legend items to isolate)", xref="paper", yref="paper",
                          x=0.01, xanchor="left",
                          y=1.056, yanchor="top",    # Same y as legend below
                          legendtitle=TRUE, showarrow=FALSE ) %>%
                    line = list(color = alpha("#947FFF", alpha = 0.5)), yaxis="y2", showlegend=FALSE, 
                    inherit=FALSE) %>%
          layout(yaxis2 = ay,showlegend = T, 
          barmode = "stack",
          xaxis = list(title = "Date", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T), 
          yaxis = list(title = "Number of fish arrivals per day", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T),
          legend = list(orientation = "h",x = 0.34, y = 1.066),
          margin=list(l = 50,r = 100,b = 50,t = 50))


2.4 Detections at Meridian Bridge versus Sacramento River flows at Wilkins Slough for duration of tag life



try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

detects_5 <- detects_study %>% filter(general_location == "TowerBridge")

if(nrow(detects_5) == 0){
   plot(1:2, type = "n", xlab = "",xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of fish arrivals per day")
   text(1.5,1.5, labels = "NO DETECTIONS YET", cex = 2)
} else {
  detects_5 <- detects_5 %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., detects_5 %>%
                        group_by(TagCode) %>% 
                        summarise(first_detect = min(DateTime_PST))) %>%
                        mutate(Day = as.Date(as.Date(first_detect, "Etc/GMT+8")))

  starttime <- as.Date(min(detects_5$release_time), "Etc/GMT+8")

  # Endtime should be either now, or end of predicted tag life, whichever comes first
  endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")),

  daterange <- data.frame(Day = seq.Date(from = starttime, to = endtime, by = "day"))

  rels            <- unique(study_tagcodes$Release)
  rel_num         <- length(rels)
  rels_no_detects <- as.character(rels[!(rels %in% unique(detects_5$Release))])

  tagcount1 <- detects_5 %>%
               group_by(Day, Release) %>%
               summarise(unique_tags = length(unique(TagCode))) %>%
               spread(Release, unique_tags)

  daterange1 <- merge(daterange, tagcount1, all.x=T)
  daterange1[is.na(daterange1)] <- 0

    for(i in rels_no_detects){
      daterange1 <- cbind(daterange1, x=NA)
      names(daterange1)[names(daterange1) == "x"] <- paste(i)

  # Download flow data
  flow_day <- readNWISuv(siteNumbers = "11425500", parameterCd="00060", startDate = starttime, 
                         endDate = endtime+1) %>%
                  mutate(Day = as.Date(format(dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d"))) %>%
                  group_by(Day) %>%
                  summarise(parameter_value = mean(X_00060_00000))

  ## reorder columns in alphabetical order so its coloring in barplots is consistent
  daterange2 <- daterange1[,order(colnames(daterange1))] %>%
                dplyr::left_join(., flow_day, by = "Day")
  rownames(daterange2) <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Date      <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Day       <- NULL
  daterange2_flow      <- daterange2 %>% select(Date, parameter_value)
  daterange3           <- melt(daterange2[,!(names(daterange2) %in% c("parameter_value"))], 
                               id.vars = "Date", variable.name = ".")
  daterange3$.         <- factor(daterange3$., levels = sort(unique(daterange3$.), decreasing = T))

  par(mar=c(6, 5, 2, 5) + 0.1)
  ay <- list(
    overlaying = "y",
    nticks = 5,
    color = "#947FFF",
    side = "right",
    title = "Flow (cfs) at Verona",
    automargin = TRUE

  plot_ly(daterange3, width = 900, height = 600, dynamicTicks = TRUE) %>%
          add_bars(x = ~Date, y = ~value, color = ~.) %>%
          add_annotations(text="Release (click on legend items to isolate)", xref="paper", yref="paper",
                          x=0.01, xanchor="left",
                          y=1.056, yanchor="top",    # Same y as legend below
                          legendtitle=TRUE, showarrow=FALSE ) %>%
                    line = list(color = alpha("#947FFF", alpha = 0.5)), yaxis="y2", showlegend=FALSE, 
                    inherit=FALSE) %>%
          layout(yaxis2 = ay,showlegend = T, 
          barmode = "stack",
          xaxis = list(title = "Date", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T), 
          yaxis = list(title = "Number of fish arrivals per day", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T),
          legend = list(orientation = "h",x = 0.34, y = 1.066),
          margin=list(l = 50,r = 100,b = 50,t = 50))


2.5 Detections at Tower Bridge (downtown Sacramento) versus Sacramento River flows at Verona for duration of tag life



try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

detects_6 <- detects_study %>% filter(general_location == "Benicia_west" | general_location == "Benicia_east")

if(nrow(detects_6) == 0){
   plot(1:2, type = "n", xlab = "",xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of fish arrivals per day")
   text(1.5,1.5, labels = "NO DETECTIONS YET", cex = 2)
} else {
  detects_6 <- detects_6 %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., detects_6 %>%
                        group_by(TagCode) %>% 
                        summarise(first_detect = min(DateTime_PST))) %>%
                        mutate(Day = as.Date(as.Date(first_detect, "Etc/GMT+8")))

  starttime <- as.Date(min(detects_6$release_time), "Etc/GMT+8")

  # Endtime should be either now, or end of predicted tag life, whichever comes first
  endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")),

  daterange <- data.frame(Day = seq.Date(from = starttime, to = endtime, by = "day"))

  rels            <- unique(study_tagcodes$Release)
  rel_num         <- length(rels)
  rels_no_detects <- as.character(rels[!(rels %in% unique(detects_6$Release))])

  tagcount1 <- detects_6 %>%
               group_by(Day, Release) %>%
               summarise(unique_tags = length(unique(TagCode))) %>%
               spread(Release, unique_tags)

  daterange1 <- merge(daterange, tagcount1, all.x=T)
  daterange1[is.na(daterange1)] <- 0

    for(i in rels_no_detects){
      daterange1 <- cbind(daterange1, x=NA)
      names(daterange1)[names(daterange1) == "x"] <- paste(i)

  ## reorder columns in alphabetical order so its coloring in barplots is consistent
  daterange1 <- daterange1[,order(colnames(daterange1))]
  daterange2 <- daterange1
  rownames(daterange2) <- daterange2$Day
  daterange2$Day <- NULL

  par(mar=c(6, 5, 2, 5) + 0.1)

  daterange2$Date <- as.Date(row.names(daterange2))
  daterange3      <- melt(daterange2, id.vars = "Date", variable.name = ".", )
  daterange3$.    <- factor(daterange3$., levels = sort(unique(daterange3$.), decreasing = T))

  plot_ly(daterange3, width = 900, height = 600, dynamicTicks = TRUE) %>%
    add_bars(x = ~Date, y = ~value, color = ~.) %>%
    add_annotations( text="Release (click on legend items to isolate)", xref="paper", yref="paper",
                     x=0.01, xanchor="left",
                     y=1.056, yanchor="top",    # Same y as legend below
                     legendtitle=TRUE, showarrow=FALSE ) %>%
    layout(showlegend = T, 
           barmode = "stack",
           xaxis = list(title = "Date", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T), 
           yaxis = list(title = "Number of fish arrivals per day", mirror=T,ticks="outside",showline=T),
           legend = list(orientation = "h",x = 0.34, y = 1.066),
           margin=list(l = 50,r = 100,b = 50,t = 50))

2.6 Detections at Benicia Bridge for duration of tag life

3. Survival and Routing Probability

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

detects_tower <- detects_study %>% filter(general_location == "TowerBridge")

if(nrow(detects_tower) == 0){
  WR.surv <- data.frame("Release"=NA, "Survival (%)"="NO DETECTIONS YET", "SE"=NA, "95% lower C.I."=NA,
                        "95% upper C.I."=NA, "Detection efficiency (%)"=NA)
  colnames(WR.surv) <- c("Release", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.",
                         "95% upper C.I.", "Detection efficiency (%)")
  print(kable(WR.surv, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.1 Minimum survival to Tower Bridge (using CJS
              survival model). If Yolo Bypass Weirs are overtopping during migration, fish may have taken
              that route, and therefore this is a minimum estimate of survival") %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"),
                  full_width = F, position = "left"))

} else {

  study_count <- nrow(study_tagcodes)

  # Only do survival to Sac for now
  surv <- detects_study %>% filter(river_km > 168 & river_km < 175)

  # calculate mean and SD travel time
  travel <- aggregate(list(first_detect = surv$DateTime_PST), by = list(Release = surv$Release, TagCode = surv$TagCode, RelDT = surv$RelDT), min)
  travel$days <- as.numeric(difftime(travel$first_detect, travel$RelDT, units = "days"))

  travel_final <- aggregate(list(mean_travel_time = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), mean)
  travel_final <- merge(travel_final, aggregate(list(sd_travel_time = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), sd))
  travel_final <- merge(travel_final, aggregate(list(n = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), length))
  travel_final <- rbind(travel_final, data.frame(Release = "ALL", mean_travel_time = mean(travel$days), sd_travel_time = sd(travel$days),n = nrow(travel)))

  # Create inp for survival estimation
  inp <- as.data.frame(reshape2::dcast(surv, TagCode ~ river_km, fun.aggregate = length))

  # Sort columns by river km in descending order
  gen_loc_sites <- ncol(inp)-1 # Count number of genlocs
  if(gen_loc_sites < 2){
    WR.surv <- data.frame("Release"=NA, "Survival (%)"="NOT ENOUGH DETECTIONS", "SE"=NA, "95% lower C.I."=NA,
                          "95% upper C.I."=NA, "Detection efficiency (%)"=NA)
    colnames(WR.surv) <- c("Release", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.",
                           "Detection efficiency (%)")
    print(kable(WR.surv, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.1 Minimum survival to Tower Bridge (using CJS
                survival model). If Yolo Bypass Weirs are overtopping during migration, fish may
                have taken that route, and therefore this is a minimum estimate of survival") %>%
          kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), 
                        full_width = F,position = "left"))
  } else {
    inp <- inp[,c(1,order(names(inp[,2:(gen_loc_sites+1)]), decreasing = T)+1)] %>%
            dplyr::left_join(study_tagcodes, ., by = "TagCode")

    inp2 <- inp[,(ncol(inp)-gen_loc_sites+1):ncol(inp)] %>%
            replace(is.na(.), 0) %>%
            replace(., . > 0, 1)

    inp          <- cbind(inp, inp2)
    groups       <- as.character(sort(unique(inp$Release)))
    surv$Release <- factor(surv$Release, levels = groups)
    inp[,groups] <- 0

    for (i in groups) {
      inp[as.character(inp$Release) == i, i] <- 1

    inp$inp_final <- paste("1",apply(inp2, 1, paste, collapse=""),sep="")

    if(length(groups) > 1){
      # make sure factor levels have a release that has detections first. if first release in factor order
      # has zero detectins, model goes haywire
      inp.df <- data.frame(ch = as.character(inp$inp_final), freq = 1,
      rel = factor(inp$Release, levels = names(sort(table(surv$Release),decreasing = T))),
                   stringsAsFactors = F)

      WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1, groups = "rel")

      WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

      WR.mark.all <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl,
                          silent = T, output = F)

      WR.mark.rel <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl,
                          silent = T, output = F)

      WR.surv <- round(WR.mark.all$results$real[1,c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1)
      WR.surv <- rbind(WR.surv, round(WR.mark.rel$results$real[seq(from=1,to=length(groups)*2,by = 2),
                       c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))
      WR.surv$Detection_efficiency <- NA
      WR.surv[1,"Detection_efficiency"] <- round(WR.mark.all$results$real[gen_loc_sites+1,"estimate"] * 100,1)
      WR.surv <- cbind(c("ALL", names(sort(table(surv$Release),decreasing = T))), WR.surv)
    if(length(intersect(colnames(inp),groups)) < 2){
      inp$inp_final <- paste("1",apply(inp2, 1, paste, collapse=""), " ", 1,sep = "")
      write.table(inp$inp_final,"WRinp.inp",row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F)
      WRinp <- convert.inp("WRinp.inp")
      WR.process <- process.data(WRinp, model="CJS", begin.time=1)

      WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

      WR.mark.all <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl,
                          silent = T, output = F)

      WR.mark.rel <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl,
                          silent = T, output = F)

      WR.surv <- round(WR.mark.all$results$real[1,c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1)
      WR.surv <- rbind(WR.surv, round(WR.mark.rel$results$real[seq(from=1,to=length(groups)*2,by = 2),
                                                               c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))
      WR.surv$Detection_efficiency <- NA
      WR.surv[1,"Detection_efficiency"] <- round(WR.mark.all$results$real[gen_loc_sites+1,"estimate"] * 100,1)
      WR.surv <- cbind(c("ALL", groups), WR.surv)

    colnames(WR.surv)[1] <- "Release"
    WR.surv <- merge(WR.surv, travel_final, by = "Release", all.x = T)
    WR.surv$mean_travel_time <- round(WR.surv$mean_travel_time,1)
    WR.surv$sd_travel_time <- round(WR.surv$sd_travel_time,1)
    colnames(WR.surv) <- c("Release", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", 
                           "95% upper C.I.", "Detection efficiency (%)", "Mean time to Tower (days)", "SD of time to Tower (days)","Count")

  WR.surv <- WR.surv %>% arrange(., Release)
  print(kable(WR.surv, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.1 Minimum survival to Tower Bridge (using CJS
        survival model), and travel time. If Yolo Bypass Weirs are overtopping during migration, fish may have taken 
        that route, and therefore this is a minimum estimate of survival") %>%
          kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), 
                        full_width = F, position = "left"))
3.1 Minimum survival to Tower Bridge (using CJS survival model), and travel time. If Yolo Bypass Weirs are overtopping during migration, fish may have taken that route, and therefore this is a minimum estimate of survival
Release Survival (%) SE 95% lower C.I. 95% upper C.I. Detection efficiency (%) Mean time to Tower (days) SD of time to Tower (days) Count
ALL 41.3 1.4 38.6 44.1 88.2 6.2 4.5 510
Before Pulse 53.8 3.2 47.5 59.9 NA 8.5 2.8 134
First Pulse 25.1 2.8 20.0 30.9 NA 5.5 6.0 62
Second Pulse - Week 1 34.5 3.0 28.8 40.7 NA 7.0 6.1 85
Second Pulse - Week 2 48.6 3.2 42.3 55.0 NA 4.8 3.8 119
Second Pulse - Week 3 44.8 3.2 38.6 51.1 NA 4.6 2.7 110

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

try(Delta <- read.csv("Delta_surv.csv", stringsAsFactors = F))

if(nrow(detects_study[is.na(detects_study$DateTime_PST) == F,]) == 0){
    WR.surv1 <- data.frame("Measure"=NA, "Estimate"="NO DETECTIONS YET", "SE"=NA, "95% lower C.I."=NA, "95% upper C.I."=NA)
    colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Measure", "Estimate", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.")
    print(kable(WR.surv1, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.2 Minimum through-Delta survival: City of Sacramento to Benicia (using CJS survival model)") %>%
            kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

} else {
  test4 <- detects_study[detects_study$general_location %in% c("TowerBridge", "I80-50_Br", "Benicia_west", "Benicia_east"),]

  if(nrow(test4[test4$general_location =="Benicia_west",]) == 0 | nrow(test4[test4$general_location =="Benicia_east",]) == 0){
    WR.surv1 <- data.frame("Measure"=NA, "Estimate"="NOT ENOUGH DETECTIONS", "SE"=NA, "95% lower C.I."=NA, "95% upper C.I."=NA)
    colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Measure", "Estimate", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.")
    print(kable(WR.surv1, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.2 Minimum through-Delta survival: City of Sacramento to Benicia (using CJS survival model)") %>%
            kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

  } else {

  # calculate mean and SD travel time
  sac <- test4[test4$general_location %in% c("TowerBridge", "I80-50_Br"),]
  ben <- test4[test4$general_location %in% c("Benicia_west", "Benicia_east"),]
  travel_sac <- aggregate(list(first_detect_sac = sac$DateTime_PST), by = list(Release = sac$Release, TagCode = sac$TagCode), min)
  travel_ben <- aggregate(list(first_detect_ben = ben$DateTime_PST), by = list(Release = ben$Release, TagCode = ben$TagCode), min)
  travel <- merge(travel_sac, travel_ben, by = c("Release","TagCode"))
  travel$days <- as.numeric(difftime(travel$first_detect_ben, travel$first_detect_sac, units = "days"))

  travel_final <- aggregate(list(mean_travel_time = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), mean)
  travel_final <- merge(travel_final, aggregate(list(sd_travel_time = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), sd))
  travel_final <- merge(travel_final, aggregate(list(n = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), length))
  travel_final <- rbind(travel_final, data.frame(Release = "ALL", mean_travel_time = mean(travel$days), sd_travel_time = sd(travel$days), n = nrow(travel)))

  inp <- as.data.frame(reshape2::dcast(test4, TagCode ~ general_location, fun.aggregate = length))

  # add together detections at Tower and I80 to ensure good detection entering Delta
  if("I80-50_Br" %in% colnames(inp) & "TowerBridge" %in% colnames(inp)){
  inp$`I80-50_Br` <- inp$`I80-50_Br` + inp$TowerBridge

  } else if("TowerBridge" %in% colnames(inp)){
    inp$`I80-50_Br` <- inp$TowerBridge

  # Sort columns by river km in descending order, this also removes TowerBridge, no longer needed
  inp <- inp[,c("TagCode","I80-50_Br", "Benicia_east", "Benicia_west")]

  # Count number of genlocs
  gen_loc_sites <- ncol(inp)-1

  inp <- inp[,c(1,order(names(inp[,2:(gen_loc_sites+1)]), decreasing = T)+1)]
  inp <- merge(study_tagcodes, inp, by = "TagCode", all.x = T)

  inp2 <- inp[,(ncol(inp)-gen_loc_sites+1):ncol(inp)]
  inp2[is.na(inp2)] <- 0
  inp2[inp2 > 0] <- 1

  inp <- cbind(inp, inp2)
  groups <- as.character(sort(unique(inp$Release)))
  groups_w_detects <- names(table(detects_study[which(detects_study$river_km < 53),"Release"]))
  inp[,groups] <- 0

  for(i in groups){
    inp[as.character(inp$Release) == i, i] <- 1

  inp$inp_final <- paste("1",apply(inp2, 1, paste, collapse=""),sep="")

  if(length(groups) > 1){
    # make sure factor levels have a release that has detections first. if first release in factor order has zero #detectins, model goes haywire
    inp.df <- data.frame(ch = as.character(inp$inp_final), freq = 1, rel = inp$Release, stringsAsFactors = F)

    WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1) 

    WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

    WR.mark.all <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time),p=list(formula=~time)),
                        silent = T, output = F)

    inp.df <- inp.df[inp.df$rel %in% groups_w_detects,]
    inp.df$rel <- factor(inp.df$rel, levels = groups_w_detects)

    if(length(groups_w_detects) > 1){
      WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1, groups = "rel")

      WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

      WR.mark.rel <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time*rel),p=list(formula=~time)),
                          silent = T, output = F)

    } else {
      WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1) 

      WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

      WR.mark.rel <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time),p=list(formula=~time)),
                          silent = T, output = F)

    WR.surv <- cbind(Release = "ALL",round(WR.mark.all$results$real[2,c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))
    WR.surv.rel <- cbind(Release = groups_w_detects,
                         round(WR.mark.rel$results$real[seq(from=2,to=length(groups_w_detects)*3,by = 3),
                                                        c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))
    WR.surv.rel <- merge(WR.surv.rel, data.frame(Release = groups), all.y = T)
    WR.surv.rel[is.na(WR.surv.rel$estimate),"estimate"] <- 0
    WR.surv <- rbind(WR.surv, WR.surv.rel)

  } else {
    inp.df <- data.frame(ch = as.character(inp$inp_final), freq = 1, stringsAsFactors = F)

    WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1) 

    WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

    WR.mark.all <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time),p=list(formula=~time)),
                        silent = T, output = F)
    WR.surv <- cbind(Release = c("ALL", groups),round(WR.mark.all$results$real[2,c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))

  WR.surv1 <- WR.surv

  colnames(WR.surv1)[1] <- "Release"
  WR.surv1 <- merge(WR.surv1, travel_final, by = "Release", all.x = T)
  WR.surv1$mean_travel_time <- round(WR.surv1$mean_travel_time,1)
  WR.surv1$sd_travel_time <- round(WR.surv1$sd_travel_time,1)
  colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Release", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", 
                          "95% upper C.I.", "Mean Delta passage (days)", "SD of Delta Passage (days)","Count")
  #colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Release Group", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.")
  print(kable(WR.surv1, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.2 Minimum through-Delta survival, and travel time: City of Sacramento to Benicia (using CJS survival model)") %>%
          kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

  if(exists("Delta")==T & is.numeric(WR.surv1[1,2])){
    reltimes <- aggregate(list(RelDT = study_tagcodes$release_time), by = list(Release = study_tagcodes$Release), FUN = mean)
    reltimes <- rbind(reltimes, data.frame(Release = "ALL", RelDT = mean(study_tagcodes$release_time)))

    # Assign whether the results are tentative or final
    quality <- "tentative"
    if(endtime < as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"))){
      quality <- "final"}

      WR.surv <- merge(WR.surv, reltimes, by = "Release", all.x = T)

      WR.surv$RelDT <- as.POSIXct(WR.surv$RelDT, origin = "1970-01-01")

      Delta$RelDT <- as.POSIXct(Delta$RelDT)

      # remove old benicia record for this studyID
      Delta <- Delta[!Delta$StudyID %in% unique(detects_study$Study_ID),]
      Delta <- rbind(Delta, data.frame(WR.surv, StudyID = unique(detects_study$Study_ID), data_quality = quality))

      write.csv(Delta, "Delta_surv.csv", row.names = F, quote = F) 
3.2 Minimum through-Delta survival, and travel time: City of Sacramento to Benicia (using CJS survival model)
Release Survival (%) SE 95% lower C.I. 95% upper C.I. Mean Delta passage (days) SD of Delta Passage (days) Count
ALL 69.1 2.0 64.9 72.9 3.4 1.3 352
Before Pulse 74.2 3.8 66.1 80.9 3.5 1.2 100
First Pulse 67.8 5.9 55.4 78.2 3.5 2.6 42
Second Pulse - Week 1 75.3 4.7 65.0 83.3 3.9 1.1 64
Second Pulse - Week 2 76.2 3.9 67.7 83.0 3.1 0.7 91
Second Pulse - Week 3 52.0 4.6 42.9 60.9 2.8 0.9 55

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

try(benicia <- read.csv("benicia_surv.csv", stringsAsFactors = F))

detects_benicia <- detects_study[detects_study$general_location %in% c("Benicia_west", "Benicia_east"),]
endtime         <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")), max(as.Date(detects_study$release_time)+(as.numeric(detects_study$tag_life))))

if(nrow(detects_benicia) == 0){
  if(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), min(detects_study$RelDT), units = "days"))>30){
    WR.surv <- data.frame("Release"="ALL", "estimate"=0, "se"=NA, "lcl"=NA, "ucl"=NA, "Detection_efficiency"=NA)

  } else {
    WR.surv <- data.frame("Release"=NA, "estimate"="NO DETECTIONS YET", "se"=NA, "lcl"=NA, "ucl"=NA, "Detection_efficiency"=NA)

  WR.surv1 <- WR.surv
  colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Release Group", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.", "Detection efficiency (%)")
  print(kable(WR.surv1, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.3 Minimum survival to Benicia Bridge East Span (using CJS survival model)") %>%
          kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

} else if(length(table(detects_benicia$general_location)) == 1){
  if(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), min(detects_study$RelDT), units = "days"))>30){
    WR.surv <- data.frame("Release"="ALL", "estimate"=round(length(unique(detects_benicia$TagCode))/length(unique(detects_study$TagCode))*100,1),
                          "se"=NA, "lcl"=NA, "ucl"=NA, "Detection_efficiency"=NA)

  } else {
    WR.surv <- data.frame("Release" = NA, "estimate" = "NOT ENOUGH DETECTIONS", "se" = NA, "lcl" = NA, "ucl" = NA, "Detection_efficiency" = NA)

  WR.surv1 <- WR.surv
  colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Release Group", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.", "Detection efficiency (%)")
  print(kable(WR.surv1, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.3 Minimum survival to Benicia Bridge East Span (using CJS survival model)") %>%
         kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

} else {
  # Only do survival to Benicia here
  test3 <- detects_study[which(detects_study$river_km < 53),]

  # calculate mean and SD travel time
  travel <- aggregate(list(first_detect = test3$DateTime_PST), by = list(Release = test3$Release, TagCode = test3$TagCode, RelDT = test3$RelDT), min)
  travel$days <- as.numeric(difftime(travel$first_detect, travel$RelDT, units = "days"))

  travel_final <- aggregate(list(mean_travel_time = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), mean)
  travel_final <- merge(travel_final, aggregate(list(sd_travel_time = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), sd))
  travel_final <- merge(travel_final, aggregate(list(n = travel$days), by = list(Release = travel$Release), length))
  travel_final <- rbind(travel_final, data.frame(Release = "ALL", mean_travel_time = mean(travel$days), sd_travel_time = sd(travel$days), n = nrow(travel)))

  # Create inp for survival estimation
  inp <- as.data.frame(reshape2::dcast(test3, TagCode ~ river_km, fun.aggregate = length))

  # Sort columns by river km in descending order
  # Count number of genlocs
  gen_loc_sites <- ncol(inp)-1

  inp  <- inp[,c(1,order(names(inp[,2:(gen_loc_sites+1)]), decreasing = T)+1)]
  inp  <- merge(study_tagcodes, inp, by = "TagCode", all.x = T)
  inp2 <- inp[,(ncol(inp)-gen_loc_sites+1):ncol(inp)]

  inp2[is.na(inp2)] <- 0
  inp2[inp2 > 0]    <- 1

  inp    <- cbind(inp, inp2)
  groups <- as.character(sort(unique(inp$Release)))
  groups_w_detects <- names(table(test3$Release))

  inp[,groups] <- 0

  for(i in groups){
    inp[as.character(inp$Release) == i, i] <- 1

  inp$inp_final <- paste("1",apply(inp2, 1, paste, collapse=""),sep="")

  if(length(groups) > 1){
    # make sure factor levels have a release that has detections first. if first release in factor order has zero #detectins, model goes haywire
    inp.df <- data.frame(ch = as.character(inp$inp_final), freq = 1, rel = inp$Release, stringsAsFactors = F)

    WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1)

    WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)

    WR.mark.all <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time),p=list(formula=~time)), silent = T, output = F)

    inp.df <- inp.df[inp.df$rel %in% groups_w_detects,]
    inp.df$rel <- factor(inp.df$rel, levels = groups_w_detects)

    if(length(groups_w_detects) > 1){
      WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1, groups = "rel")
      WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)
      WR.mark.rel <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time*rel),p=list(formula=~time)), silent = T, output = F)

    } else {
      WR.process <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1)
      WR.ddl <- make.design.data(WR.process)
      WR.mark.rel <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time),p=list(formula=~time)), silent = T, output = F)

    WR.surv <- cbind(Release = "ALL",round(WR.mark.all$results$real[1,c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))
    WR.surv.rel <- cbind(Release = groups_w_detects, round(WR.mark.rel$results$real[seq(from=1,to=length(groups_w_detects)*2,by = 2),
                                                                                    c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))
    WR.surv.rel <- merge(WR.surv.rel, data.frame(Release = groups), all.y = T)
    WR.surv.rel[is.na(WR.surv.rel$estimate),"estimate"] <- 0
    WR.surv <- rbind(WR.surv, WR.surv.rel)

  } else {
    inp.df      <- data.frame(ch = as.character(inp$inp_final), freq = 1, stringsAsFactors = F)
    WR.process  <- process.data(inp.df, model="CJS", begin.time=1) 
    WR.ddl      <- make.design.data(WR.process)
    WR.mark.all <- mark(WR.process, WR.ddl, model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~time),p=list(formula=~time)), silent = T, output = F)
    WR.surv     <- cbind(Release = c("ALL", groups),round(WR.mark.all$results$real[1,c("estimate", "se", "lcl", "ucl")] * 100,1))

  WR.surv$Detection_efficiency <- NA
  WR.surv[1,"Detection_efficiency"] <- round(WR.mark.all$results$real[gen_loc_sites+1,"estimate"] * 100,1)
  WR.surv1 <- WR.surv

  colnames(WR.surv1)[1] <- "Release"
  WR.surv1 <- merge(WR.surv1, travel_final, by = "Release", all.x = T)
  WR.surv1$mean_travel_time <- round(WR.surv1$mean_travel_time,1)
  WR.surv1$sd_travel_time <- round(WR.surv1$sd_travel_time,1)
  colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Release", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", 
                          "95% upper C.I.", "Detection efficiency (%)", "Mean time to Benicia (days)", "SD of time to Benicia (days)", "Count")
  #colnames(WR.surv1) <- c("Release Group", "Survival (%)", "SE", "95% lower C.I.", "95% upper C.I.", "Detection efficiency (%)")

  print(kable(WR.surv1, row.names = F, "html", caption = "3.3 Minimum survival to Benicia Bridge East Span (using CJS survival model), and travel time") %>%
          kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))
3.3 Minimum survival to Benicia Bridge East Span (using CJS survival model), and travel time
Release Survival (%) SE 95% lower C.I. 95% upper C.I. Detection efficiency (%) Mean time to Benicia (days) SD of time to Benicia (days) Count
ALL 29.4 1.3 26.9 31.9 99.1 9.2 3.7 367
Before Pulse 40.6 3.1 34.7 46.8 NA 11.8 1.8 102
First Pulse 17.6 2.4 13.4 22.8 NA 8.1 3.4 44
Second Pulse - Week 1 26.4 2.8 21.3 32.2 NA 10.3 4.8 66
Second Pulse - Week 2 37.2 3.1 31.4 43.4 NA 7.4 2.6 93
Second Pulse - Week 3 24.8 2.7 19.9 30.6 NA 7.2 3.5 62
if(exists("benicia")==T & is.numeric(WR.surv1[1,2])){
  # Find mean release time per release group, and ALL
  reltimes <- aggregate(list(RelDT = study_tagcodes$release_time), by = list(Release = study_tagcodes$Release), FUN = mean)
  reltimes <- rbind(reltimes, data.frame(Release = "ALL", RelDT = mean(study_tagcodes$release_time)))

  # Assign whether the results are tentative or final
  quality <- "tentative"
  if(endtime < as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"))){
    quality <- "final"

  WR.surv       <- merge(WR.surv, reltimes, by = "Release", all.x = T)
  WR.surv$RelDT <- as.POSIXct(WR.surv$RelDT, origin = "1970-01-01")
  benicia$RelDT <- as.POSIXct(benicia$RelDT)

  # remove old benicia record for this studyID
  benicia <- benicia[!benicia$StudyID == unique(detects_study$Study_ID),]
  benicia <- rbind(benicia, data.frame(WR.surv, StudyID = unique(detects_study$Study_ID), data_quality = quality))

  write.csv(benicia, "benicia_surv.csv", row.names = F, quote = F) 

4. Detections statistics at all realtime receivers

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

if(nrow(detects_study[is.na(detects_study$DateTime_PST)==F,]) == 0){
  "No detections yet"

} else {
  arrivals <- detects_study %>%
              group_by(general_location, TagCode) %>%
              summarise(DateTime_PST = min(DateTime_PST)) %>%

  tag_stats <- arrivals %>%
               group_by(general_location) %>%
               summarise(First_arrival = min(DateTime_PST),
                         Mean_arrival = mean(DateTime_PST),
                         Last_arrival = max(DateTime_PST),
                         Fish_count = length(unique(TagCode))) %>%
               mutate(Percent_arrived = round(Fish_count/nrow(study_tagcodes) * 100,2)) %>%
               dplyr::left_join(., unique(detects_study[,c("general_location", "river_km")])) %>%
               arrange(desc(river_km)) %>%
               mutate(First_arrival = format(First_arrival, tz = "Etc/GMT+8"),
                      Mean_arrival = format(Mean_arrival, tz = "Etc/GMT+8"),
                      Last_arrival = format(Last_arrival, tz = "Etc/GMT+8")) %>%

  print(kable(tag_stats, row.names = F,
              caption = "4.1 Detections for all releases combined",
              "html") %>%
          kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

  count <- 0

  for(j in sort(unique(study_tagcodes$Release))){

    if(nrow(detects_study[detects_study$Release == j,]) > 0){
      count <- count + 1
      arrivals1 <- detects_study %>%
                   filter(Release == j) %>%
                   group_by(general_location, TagCode) %>%
                   summarise(DateTime_PST = min(DateTime_PST)) %>%

      rel_count <- nrow(study_tagcodes[study_tagcodes$Release == j,])

      tag_stats1 <- arrivals1 %>%
                    group_by(general_location) %>%
                    summarise(First_arrival = min(DateTime_PST),
                              Mean_arrival = mean(DateTime_PST),
                              Last_arrival = max(DateTime_PST),
                              Fish_count = length(unique(TagCode))) %>%
                    mutate(Percent_arrived = round(Fish_count/rel_count * 100,2)) %>%
                    dplyr::left_join(., unique(detects_study[,c("general_location", "river_km")])) %>%
                    arrange(desc(river_km)) %>%
                    mutate(First_arrival = format(First_arrival, tz = "Etc/GMT+8"),
                           Mean_arrival = format(Mean_arrival, tz = "Etc/GMT+8"),
                           Last_arrival = format(Last_arrival, tz = "Etc/GMT+8")) %>%

      final_stats <- kable(tag_stats1, row.names = F,
            caption = paste("4.2.", count, " Detections for ", j, " release groups", sep = ""),
      print(kable_styling(final_stats, bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive", "bordered"), full_width = F, position = "left"))

    } else {
      print(paste("No detections for",j,"release group yet", sep=" "), quote = F)
4.1 Detections for all releases combined
general_location First_arrival Mean_arrival Last_arrival Fish_count Percent_arrived river_km
Blw_Salt_RT 2023-04-18 10:26:00 2023-05-01 11:11:38 2023-05-18 05:01:20 1017 81.29 457.000
MeridianBr 2023-04-20 16:57:28 2023-05-07 06:29:09 2023-06-01 19:55:48 610 48.76 290.848
TowerBridge 2023-04-22 11:39:42 2023-05-08 16:56:40 2023-06-10 08:38:08 456 36.45 172.000
I80-50_Br 2023-04-22 12:03:41 2023-05-08 15:06:55 2023-06-10 08:58:06 456 36.45 170.748
Sac_BlwGeorgiana 2023-04-24 15:54:43 2023-05-10 03:31:59 2023-06-10 20:22:23 313 25.02 119.058
Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 2023-04-24 16:08:25 2023-05-10 06:08:12 2023-06-10 20:35:34 320 25.58 118.398
Benicia_east 2023-04-26 15:16:35 2023-05-11 06:51:37 2023-06-15 03:19:25 364 29.10 52.240
Benicia_west 2023-04-27 09:50:56 2023-05-10 22:08:02 2023-06-15 03:25:47 340 27.18 52.040
4.2.1 Detections for Before Pulse release groups
general_location First_arrival Mean_arrival Last_arrival Fish_count Percent_arrived river_km
Blw_Salt_RT 2023-04-18 10:26:00 2023-04-19 07:51:27 2023-04-25 14:30:12 226 90.04 457.000
MeridianBr 2023-04-20 16:57:28 2023-04-25 14:45:33 2023-05-05 18:23:22 145 57.77 290.848
TowerBridge 2023-04-22 11:39:42 2023-04-27 08:02:27 2023-05-22 18:12:20 122 48.61 172.000
I80-50_Br 2023-04-22 12:03:41 2023-04-27 05:57:30 2023-05-02 02:16:20 127 50.60 170.748
Sac_BlwGeorgiana 2023-04-24 15:54:43 2023-04-28 01:28:24 2023-05-23 17:52:55 82 32.67 119.058
Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 2023-04-24 16:08:25 2023-04-28 01:40:31 2023-05-23 18:05:04 82 32.67 118.398
Benicia_east 2023-04-26 15:16:35 2023-04-30 16:03:51 2023-05-11 13:22:23 102 40.64 52.240
Benicia_west 2023-04-27 09:50:56 2023-04-30 16:21:28 2023-05-11 13:29:19 100 39.84 52.040
4.2.2 Detections for First Pulse release groups
general_location First_arrival Mean_arrival Last_arrival Fish_count Percent_arrived river_km
Blw_Salt_RT 2023-04-24 11:16:12 2023-04-25 01:45:38 2023-04-29 12:30:57 246 98.4 457.000
MeridianBr 2023-04-26 04:01:50 2023-04-28 12:10:07 2023-05-28 23:43:45 85 34.0 290.848
TowerBridge 2023-04-27 19:30:09 2023-04-30 09:34:28 2023-06-05 00:54:25 59 23.6 172.000
I80-50_Br 2023-04-27 19:51:43 2023-04-30 09:13:00 2023-06-05 01:18:05 57 22.8 170.748
Sac_BlwGeorgiana 2023-04-28 11:01:03 2023-05-01 15:11:19 2023-06-05 15:27:55 36 14.4 119.058
Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 2023-04-28 11:11:56 2023-05-01 14:08:32 2023-06-05 15:38:02 37 14.8 118.398
Benicia_east 2023-04-30 13:50:55 2023-05-02 20:55:28 2023-05-22 06:52:18 44 17.6 52.240
Benicia_west 2023-04-30 13:58:14 2023-05-02 21:07:04 2023-05-22 06:55:06 44 17.6 52.040
4.2.3 Detections for Second Pulse - Week 1 release groups
general_location First_arrival Mean_arrival Last_arrival Fish_count Percent_arrived river_km
Blw_Salt_RT 2023-05-02 10:00:47 2023-05-02 22:25:51 2023-05-03 14:18:35 228 91.2 457.000
MeridianBr 2023-05-03 22:52:07 2023-05-07 20:30:46 2023-05-31 03:53:52 109 43.6 290.848
TowerBridge 2023-05-05 14:51:21 2023-05-09 17:26:35 2023-05-31 18:30:26 74 29.6 172.000
I80-50_Br 2023-05-05 15:12:05 2023-05-09 16:55:47 2023-05-31 19:06:51 76 30.4 170.748
Sac_BlwGeorgiana 2023-05-06 06:47:16 2023-05-11 13:33:48 2023-06-01 07:53:48 49 19.6 119.058
Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 2023-05-06 06:58:30 2023-05-11 14:53:56 2023-06-01 08:01:07 52 20.8 118.398
Benicia_east 2023-05-09 09:22:04 2023-05-13 05:12:46 2023-06-02 17:16:24 64 25.6 52.240
Benicia_west 2023-05-09 07:03:39 2023-05-13 08:38:44 2023-06-02 17:23:34 58 23.2 52.040
4.2.4 Detections for Second Pulse - Week 2 release groups
general_location First_arrival Mean_arrival Last_arrival Fish_count Percent_arrived river_km
Blw_Salt_RT 2023-05-09 10:06:23 2023-05-10 02:06:06 2023-05-10 12:31:40 135 54.0 457.000
MeridianBr 2023-05-10 19:28:48 2023-05-12 19:06:31 2023-06-01 19:55:48 140 56.0 290.848
TowerBridge 2023-05-12 05:57:01 2023-05-14 16:14:33 2023-06-06 05:25:36 113 45.2 172.000
I80-50_Br 2023-05-12 06:17:59 2023-05-14 16:55:33 2023-06-06 05:42:59 100 40.0 170.748
Sac_BlwGeorgiana 2023-05-12 22:50:27 2023-05-15 04:25:49 2023-06-06 17:39:31 75 30.0 119.058
Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 2023-05-12 23:09:15 2023-05-15 04:11:08 2023-06-06 17:50:27 76 30.4 118.398
Benicia_east 2023-05-15 05:12:28 2023-05-17 02:32:26 2023-05-27 12:18:23 92 36.8 52.240
Benicia_west 2023-05-15 05:15:45 2023-05-17 07:10:13 2023-06-02 07:17:26 88 35.2 52.040
4.2.5 Detections for Second Pulse - Week 3 release groups
general_location First_arrival Mean_arrival Last_arrival Fish_count Percent_arrived river_km
Blw_Salt_RT 2023-05-16 09:16:54 2023-05-16 22:43:59 2023-05-18 05:01:20 182 72.8 457.000
MeridianBr 2023-05-17 19:32:07 2023-05-19 11:10:02 2023-05-26 13:34:00 131 52.4 290.848
TowerBridge 2023-05-19 07:55:20 2023-05-21 12:20:54 2023-06-10 08:38:08 88 35.2 172.000
I80-50_Br 2023-05-19 08:10:06 2023-05-21 09:39:33 2023-06-10 08:58:06 96 38.4 170.748
Sac_BlwGeorgiana 2023-05-19 23:33:24 2023-05-22 02:56:55 2023-06-10 20:22:23 71 28.4 119.058
Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 2023-05-19 23:46:41 2023-05-22 05:50:21 2023-06-10 20:35:34 73 29.2 118.398
Benicia_east 2023-05-21 09:23:09 2023-05-24 02:14:06 2023-06-15 03:19:25 62 24.8 52.240
Benicia_west 2023-05-21 09:27:27 2023-05-24 10:19:20 2023-06-15 03:25:47 50 20.0 52.040


# Create connection with cloud database
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
                Driver = "SQL Server",
                Server = "calfishtrack-server.database.windows.net",
                Database = "realtime_detections",
                UID = "realtime_user",
                PWD = "Pass@123",
                Port = 1433)

try(setwd(paste(file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Desktop",fsep="\\"), "\\Real-time data massaging\\products", sep = "")))

if(nrow(detects_study[is.na(detects_study$DateTime_PST)==F,]) == 0){
  "No detections yet"

} else {
  arrivals <- detects_study %>%
              group_by(general_location, TagCode) %>%
              summarise(DateTime_PST = min(DateTime_PST)) %>%
              mutate(day = as.Date(DateTime_PST, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "Etc/GMT+8"))

  # Use dbplyr to load realtime_locs and qryHexCodes sql table
  gen_locs <- tbl(con, "realtime_locs") %>% collect()
  # gen_locs <- read.csv("realtime_locs.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)

  beacon_by_day <- fread("beacon_by_day.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
                   mutate(day = as.Date(day)) %>%
                   filter(TagCode == beacon) %>% # Now subset to only look at data for the correct beacon for that day
                   filter(day >= as.Date(min(study_tagcodes$release_time)) & 
                          day <= endtime) %>% # Now only keep beacon by day for days since fish were released
                   dplyr::left_join(., gen_locs[,c("location", "general_location","rkm")], by = "location")

  arrivals_per_day <- arrivals %>%
                      group_by(day, general_location) %>%
                      summarise(New_arrivals = length(TagCode)) %>%
                      arrange(general_location) %>% na.omit() %>%
                      mutate(day = as.Date(day)) %>%
                      dplyr::left_join(unique(beacon_by_day[,c("general_location", "day", "rkm")]),
                                       ., by = c("general_location", "day")) %>%
                      arrange(general_location, day) %>%
                      mutate(day = factor(day)) %>%
                      filter(general_location != "Bench_test") %>% # Remove bench test and other NA locations
                      filter(!(is.na(general_location))) %>%
                      arrange(desc(rkm)) %>% # Change order of data to plot decreasing river_km
                      mutate(general_location = factor(general_location, unique(general_location)))

  endtime <- min(as.Date(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")),

  crosstab <- xtabs(formula = arrivals_per_day$New_arrivals ~ arrivals_per_day$day + arrivals_per_day$general_location,
                    addNA =T)
  crosstab[is.na(crosstab)] <- ""
  crosstab[crosstab==0] <- NA
  crosstab <- as.data.frame.matrix(crosstab)

  kable(crosstab, align = "c", caption = "4.3 Fish arrivals per day (\"NA\" means receivers were non-operational)") %>%
    kable_styling(c("striped", "condensed"), font_size = 11, full_width = F, position = "left", fixed_thead = TRUE) %>%
    column_spec(column = 1:ncol(crosstab),width_min = "50px",border_left = T, border_right = T) %>%
    column_spec(1, bold = T, width_min = "75px")%>%
    scroll_box(height = "700px")
4.3 Fish arrivals per day (“NA” means receivers were non-operational)
Blw_Salt_RT MeridianBr TowerBridge I80-50_Br MiddleRiver Clifton_Court_US_Radial_Gates Holland_Cut_Quimby CVP_Tank CVP_Trash_Rack_1 Clifton_Court_Intake_Canal Old_River_Quimby Sac_BlwGeorgiana Sac_BlwGeorgiana2 Benicia_east Benicia_west
2023-04-18 93
2023-04-19 115
2023-04-20 10 1
2023-04-21 1 2
2023-04-22 9 1 1
2023-04-23 1 9 3 3
2023-04-24 115 35 8 8 1 1
2023-04-25 129 30 22 21 11 10
2023-04-26 6 43 28 25 12 13 1
2023-04-27 1 62 25 30 27 27 2 3
2023-04-28 19 46 48 25 25 13 13
2023-04-29 1 8 30 32 28 29 19 19
2023-04-30 5 10 10 7 7 32 31
2023-05-01 1 1 1 1 1 44 43
2023-05-02 115 2 1 1 1 1 18 18
2023-05-03 113 3 2 1 5 5
2023-05-04 21 1 1 7 7
2023-05-05 46 8 7 2 2
2023-05-06 9 22 22 7 7
2023-05-07 9 15 16 11 13
2023-05-08 4 9 8 11 11
2023-05-09 47 1 5 6 7 7 9 9
2023-05-10 88 17 4 3 2 2 15 14
2023-05-11 53 2 17 14
2023-05-12 46 37 32 1 1 4 4
2023-05-13 12 41 36 30 31 6 4
2023-05-14 8 17 14 28 28 3 4
2023-05-15 1 5 7 7 7 28 27
2023-05-16 87 3 6 5 6 6 37 36
2023-05-17 94 15 1 2 1 1 14 11
2023-05-18 1 53 3 3 3 3 8 7
2023-05-19 43 21 19 3 3 4 4
2023-05-20 9 42 42 29 27 4 4
2023-05-21 8 11 24 27 27 4 3
2023-05-22 2 8 7 3 5 21 17
2023-05-23 1 2 3 4 5 27 20
2023-05-24 5 2 2 2 4 7 7
2023-05-25 5 5 5 1 1 4 4
2023-05-26 1 1 1 3 3
2023-05-27 2 1 1 1 2 1
2023-05-28 6 3 1 1 1 1
2023-05-29 1 2 2 2 1
2023-05-30 2 1 3 3 1 1
2023-05-31 1 4 3 2 2 2 3
2023-06-01 1 1 1
2023-06-02 1 2
2023-06-05 1 1 1 1
2023-06-06 1 1 1 1
2023-06-10 1 1 1 1
2023-06-15 1 1
rm(list = ls())
cleanup(ask = F)

For questions or comments, please contact