MPSC Complaint Form

Utility Service Complaint

Please select an option:

Please select an option:



Contact Information

Account Holder or Business Name:


First name may not be blank.

Last name may not be blank.


Missing or invalid phone number.

Missing or invalid email address.


Street address may not be blank.


Address Where Problem Occurred

Address may not be blank.


Please select the type of utility you are having trouble with.


Cable Utility Name

Please select a cable company.


Electric Utility Company Name

Please Select an electric utility.


Gas Utility Company Name

Please Select a gas utility.


Gas/Electric Utility Company Name

Please Select a gas/electric utility.


Telecom Company Name

Please Select a telecom utility.


Phone Number Experiencing the Issue

Please add a telephone number.


Cable/Telecomm Company Name

Please Select a cable/telecomm utility.


Phone Number Experiencing the Issue

Please add a telephone number.


Complaint Summary

Please enter the issue you are experiencing.