This website will no longer be updated after September 30, 2021. For the most up-to-date CDC guidance, please visit


Videos to Help Protect Yourself From COVID-19

a young man properly wearing a mask to cover his nose, mouth, and chin.

Wear a Mask the Right Way

Two teenagers practicing social distancing by using two shopping carts nose to nose to measure 6 feet.

Stay Six Feet Away from People

a group of people waiting in line to get the covid-19 vaccine

Get Ready For Your COVID-19 Vaccine

A young woman named Dalia in a blue shirt saying she has gotten her vaccine.

I got my COVID-19 Vaccine.

Get your COVID-19 Vaccine.

an image of someone wearing gloves and using disinfectant wipes.

Clean and Disinfect When Someone is Sick

with COVID-19.

a young woman proudly showing a bandaid you receive after getting the vaccine.

COVID-19 Vaccines

May Make You Feel Sick

a young woman cleaning an ipad

Slow the Spread of COVID-19 in Your Home

About These Videos

Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities are the primary audience for these videos, but many other individuals, with and without disabilities, may benefit.