Plant and Plant Product Export Certificates

Last Modified: February 28, 2024

We help U.S. exporters by providing plant health inspection and certification for plants and plant products being shipped to foreign countries. Required by importing countries, these certificates attest that products are pest- and disease-free.

What is a Phytosanitary Certificate?

A phytosanitary certificate is used to certify when a plant or plant product meets all the following:

  • Has been inspected per appropriate procedures
  • Is considered to be free from certain pests
  • Conforms to the current phytosanitary regulations of the importing country

A phytosanitary certificate for reexport is used when foreign-origin plants or plant products—that entered the United States with a valid phytosanitary certificate—are being exported from the United States. This document certifies that the product:

  • Is considered to conform to the current phytosanitary regulations of the importing country based on the original foreign phytosanitary certificate, an additional inspection, or both
  • Has not been subjected to the risk of infestation during storage

Please note there are user fees associated with obtaining these certificates, which vary based on the Federal, State, or county authority conducting the inspection and issuing the certificate.

You can read about the receiving country’s requirements for phytosanitary certification of your plant or plant product in the Phytosanitary Export Database (PExD).

If you're unsure whether you should apply for a phytosanitary certificate, contact an Export Certification Specialist.

How To Obtain a Phytosanitary Certificate

First, contact your State's Export Certification Specialist.

Export Certification

APHIS has Certification Specialists nationwide with expertise in export programs for plants and plant products. Contact the specialist in your State for questions about requirements for exporting commodities to another country.

Next, work with your authorized certification official (ACO) to get the necessary inspections and apply for a phytosanitary certificate.

The ACO will help you apply for a phytosanitary certificate using the Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance and Tracking System (PCIT). If a certificate is issued, it will be available immediately online for you to print.

If you are unable to download and print the certificate yourself, you may leave a comment on your application requesting another delivery option, such as mail, courier, or in-person pickup.

Things To Know When Exporting Plants and Plant Products

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