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SCR-119 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Week.(2021-2022)

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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 119

Relative to Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Week.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  August 30, 2022. ]


SCR 119, Dodd. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Week.
This measure, among other things, would declare the last week of September 2022, and each year thereafter, as Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Week, with the purpose of expanding the acknowledgment of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region’s contributions to a higher quality of life for all Californians.
Fiscal Committee: NO  

WHEREAS, The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy was established to work collaboratively and in coordination with local communities, and lead efforts to protect, enhance, and restore the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta’s economy, agriculture and working landscapes, and environment for the benefit of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region, its local communities, and the citizens of California; and
WHEREAS, The Delta Protection Commission was established to protect, maintain, enhance, and enrich the overall quality of the Delta environment and economy with a focus on agriculture, recreation, and natural resources, while remaining mindful of the importance of the Delta to all Californians; and
WHEREAS, The unique inverted Delta formed by California’s two largest rivers, the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River, is a source of sustenance for farmers and fishermen, home to 500,000 people and a vast array of fish, birds, and wildlife, a vital transportation and utility corridor, and a critical component of the state’s water supply infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, Water from the vast Delta watershed that spans more than 45,000 square miles fuels both local economies and those in export areas hundreds of miles away; and
WHEREAS, Two-thirds of the state’s population, or approximately 27,000,000 people, depend on water from the Delta watershed for some portion of their water supply; and
WHEREAS, More than 3,000,000 acres of irrigated farmland that grow crops for in-state, national, and international distribution depend on water from the Delta watershed; and
WHEREAS, The Delta region includes nearly 500,000 acres of productive agricultural land forming the basis of the region’s economy and some of the state’s most historic agricultural operations; and
WHEREAS, Ninety-five percent of the historical tidal marsh in the Delta has been lost; and
WHEREAS, The Delta and Suisun Marsh support more than 55 fish species and more than 750 plant and wildlife species; and
WHEREAS, The Delta experiences more than 12,000,000 visitor days annually from recreational boaters, and fishing, hunting, birdwatching, and camping draw even more visitors to the area; and
WHEREAS, Volunteer events, such as the Delta Waterway and Creek Week Cleanup, focus on removing trash and restoring the health of waterways throughout the Delta region; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature acknowledges the critical role the Delta plays in California’s economy and environment and the wide range of benefits, products, amenities, and resources reliant on the Delta, and acknowledges the benefits of proactive restoration of the region; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature commends the state, federal, and local agencies, along with nongovernmental organizations, for working cooperatively to support ecosystem health in the Delta, and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy and the Delta Protection Commission for playing key roles in support of restoration and economic viability; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature applauds the public schools that include watershed protection in the Delta region as part of their outdoor education curriculum whenever possible, especially during the month of September; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature calls upon all Californians to acknowledge the high value of the Delta and the multiple benefits of a healthy Delta region through observance of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Week; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature declares the last week of September 2022, and each year thereafter, as Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Week, with the purpose of expanding the acknowledgment of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region’s contributions to a higher quality of life for all Californians; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.