Woman Learning SFS

Transition to SFS

Transition to SFS

The Grants Management team is pleased to announce that New York has transitioned grantmaking activities from the Grants Gateway to the Statewide Financial System (SFS). 

This transition is based on successes to date and sets the stage for expanded grant making activities.  Many improvements are included in this transition, including a simplified and more user friendly prequalification application. The Grants Management team will continue to support all aspects of  State grantmaking, including:


  • Ensuring a user friendly and intuitive SFS solution
  • Promoting Agency and grantee business process transformation
  • Supporting day-to-day nonprofit activities

This webpage has been established to keep current and future grantees advised of key project information and will be updated regularly. 

Important Updates

Grants Gateway Shutdown

Current Grants Gateway Activity

Only competitive grant applications for grant opportunities that were posted in the Grants Gateway prior to January 16, 2024 will be processed in the Grants Gateway. For questions about this, please contact [email protected].





Instructions for completing registration in the Statewide Financial System can be found on our Registration Page

Grant opportunities published in the Grants Gateway prior to the January 16, 2024 transition date, with a due date after January 16, 2024, will be completed in the Grants Gateway.  If you need to register in the Grants Gateway to apply for one of these Grant Opportunities, email our Help Desk and include the name of the grant opportunity you are applying for, the due date, organization name, organization SFS ID (if applicable), and contact name and phone number. We will then verify the grant is offered in the Grants Gateway and provide a Grants Gateway registration form.




All prequalification work is now completed in the Statewide Financial System. Information regarding the current prequalification process can be found on the  Prequalification Page. 


Grants Management in SFS Videos for Vendors



Grants Management in SFS Vendor Information Session


Powerpoint Only


Recorded information session for Vendors on the transition from the Grants Gateway (GG) to the Statewide Financial System (SFS). 

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Grants Management in SFS Vendor Information Session



Not-for-Profit Contracting Advisory Committee Video Presentation 11/14/23


Powerpoint Only


Recorded video of an update and high level walk through for vendors of Grants Management functionality in SFS. 

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Not-for-Profit Contracting Advisory Committee Video Presentation 11/14/23

Vendor Training Opportunities


Live, virtual training sessions on how to use the Statewide Financial System (SFS) to perform grants management activities were held in December 2023. Training sessions were recorded, and are available in SFS Coach for viewing on demand. SFS Coach can be accessed by logging into SFS.  If you are not able to log in, please utilize the instructions listed in the "How to Prepare" section below to gain access.

Vendor Support


Live vendor support calls will be held weekly to discuss questions grantees have based on their use of SFS for grants management activities and to share any relevant reminders, tips, or known issues. 

Schedule and login information can be found on our webinar information page

How to Prepare

It is important that organizations prepare for this transition by logging in to the Statewide Financial System (SFS)  to verify they have access and their organizational profile (e.g., primary contact, address, banking), is up to date.


If your organization previously registered with the Grants Gateway or has a New York State Vendor ID, your primary contact received an enrollment email with login credentials and instructions on how to access SFS. To help ensure a smooth transition, we ask that you login immediately and verify your organizational profile. Logging in will help ensure timely access to renew your prequalification status, submission of claims for payment and bidding on future grant opportunities.  As a best practice, you should continuously monitor and update your organizational profile and access SFS every six months, so your account is not locked.


If you do not have access to the enrollment email described above, the SFS, or if your Primary Contact is unable to reset your password, please contact the SFS Help Desk at (855) 233-8363 or at [email protected].

Not-for-Profit Contracting Advisory Committee

Not-for-Profits are strongly encouraged to attend quarterly meetings of the Not-for-Profit Contracting Advisory Committee as project updates will be made available at each session.  Previous presentations to the Committee are provided below for your convenience. 


For more information about the Not-for-Profit Contracting Advisory Committee, including registration information for upcoming meetings (once available), please visit the New York State Nonprofit Unit's website.

Nonprofit Contracting Advisory Committee Presentations

Previous presentations to the Nonprofit Contracting Advisory Committee with updates on the Grants Gateway to the Statewide Financial System transition.