Gender and Sexual Diversity Workshop Registration Form
Wonder what it means for a youth to come out as transgender?  Worried that you don't know how to respond to a young person's questions about their sexual orientation? Join other parents, mentors, and community members as we learn together about proven ways to help LGBTQ+ youth feel deeply loved and thoroughly welcome. Page, from The Common Goodness Project, an expert in LGBTQ+ youth, will offer the latest findings regarding the well being of LGBTQ+ youth, help us feel more comfortable with LGBTQ+ language and ideas, and hold a space where everyone is invited to share their ideas, concerns and hopes.

This workshop is being offered by the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center in partnership with San Juan Island Pride.  It is taking place on Saturday, January 28th, 12:30-4:30 pm at the Friday Harbor High School cafeteria. The workshop is free of charge and open to all adult community members. Please contact Delphina Liles,, (360) 252-0621 for more information.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Complete Name: *
Email and Phone Number: *
Would you like to be added to the email resource list offered by The Common Goodness Project? *
Birthdate: *
Special Accomodations:
What's your role with youth in the community? *
Are you seeking NWESD clock hours for this training?
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Why do you want to attend this training? *
I hereby consent and agree that the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center, its employees or agents, have the right to take photographs, digital images, or video and film of me and to use them for educational or promotional materials. Neither individual addresses nor telephone numbers will be published with these materials.
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