Teal text says

Dear Friend,

Did you tune into Advocacy Day online on Wednesday?

Yesterday with our livestream, we reached over 13,000 people across the nation! Maybe you were like our friend Shack here, enjoying the livestream from home:

Dori and her service dog Shack, who is resting his head on the table, while looking at the computer screen livestreaming Advocacy Day

If you missed the livestream, no worries! You can still watch the videos online here:

If you tuned in, you are probably fired up and ready to take action! Here are the ways you can continue to share your voice and advocate for the disability community now that Advocacy Day 2020 is over:

  1. Take the Employment First Pledge! Show that you support employment for people with disabilities by adding your name to the pledge.
  2. Tell your federal representatives to include people with disabilities in all COVID-19 relief. This simple form will help you identify your reps and email them!
  3. Participate in our Know Your Rights Webinar Series! We are offering free weekly webinar classes on Wednesdays from 1-3 PM on topics within disability rights. Click here for more info and to register!

Thank you for being in this fight with us! Your voice matters.

Able South Carolina
720 Gracern Road Suite 106 | Columbia, South Carolina 29210
803.779.5121 | advocacy@able-sc.org

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