The City of Austin adopted Ordinance No. 20121011-005  which went into effect on Oct. 22, 2012. This ordinance (now Chapter 15-12 of the Austin City Code) includes registration requirements that apply in conjunction with the drilling of water wells, the installation of water well pumps and other closely related activities. As of early 2014, properties with one or more water wells are charged a monthly fee. This fee was approved by the Austin City Council to help defray the costs of administering the Water Wells Program. The charge is listed on the customers’ utility bills as “Water Well Fee."

These rules apply to any water well (existing, new or planned) that is located on a property that receives water or wastewater service from the Austin Water Utility. Refer to this map showing the City of Austin's jurisdictional boundaries, or just view a current utility bill to help you determine whether these rules apply to you. If you still have questions, just contact us (see below). Some important requirements include the following:water wells

  1. Any person providing services for work on a water well (drilling or constructing any new water well, or any other artificial excavation to explore for or produce groundwater; or reconstructing, capping, plugging, correcting or repairing a water well) or a water well pump (installing or repairing) must first complete and submit the Water Well Driller and Water Well Pump Installer Registration Form.
  2. Owners of water wells must give prior notice no fewer than 5 business days before drilling, re-drilling, plugging or capping a water well by submitting the Advance Notice of Water Well Activity Form.
  3. All work done on any water well or water well pump must comply with all relevant city code provisions, including: Chapter 15-1 (Cross Connection Regulations); local building, plumbing and electrical codes within Chapter 25-12 (Technical Codes); and Chapter 6-5 (Water Quality). Also, any plan review, approval, permit and inspection requirements under these relevant code provisions must be met for each water well or water well pump related project. Such work must also comply with all State and applicable groundwater conservation district rules. For an overview of these requirements, refer to Water Well Backflow Prevention and Setback Requirements.
  4. For any water well drilled after October 22, 2012, the Water Well Registration Form must be completed and submitted within 70 days after the drilling of such well has been completed (wells completed before October 22,2012, were required to have been registered by April 20, 2013). A copy of the State of Texas Well Report is required to be submitted as an attachment to this form.

More questions? Refer to our Water Protection FAQ page. You may also send us an e-mail or call the Austin Water Special Services Division at 512-972-1060 (option 5 – Industrial Waste/Water Protection, then option 1 – Water Protection/Cross Connection).