*2024 UPDATE*

It’s time to ensure schools comply with the new law and ensure kids benefit!

Help us spread the word about the new state recess law, which goes into effect in the 2024-2025 school year. 

Download the flyer here.


  • Not all students across the state receive the same amount of recess. Some receive as little as 10 minutes while others get the benefit of more than 45 minutes per day. It’s not fair or equitable.
  • Our kids are experiencing increased trauma, stress, isolation and anxiety as a result of COVID-19.
  • Sadly, 79% of youth in Washington State do not receive the CDC’s recommended 60 minutes of daily rigorous physical activity. 
  • Low-income, youth of color, girls, immigrants and children with disabilities are often the groups who receive the least physical activity.
  • Today’s kids today receive less recess, P.E. and free play time than past generations, while spending more time sedentary at desks and computers.
  • Shockingly, recess is still withheld for academic or disciplinary reasons, despite this practice being strongly discouraged by OSPI and national health/education experts.


A new state law to make sure all Washington state students receive enough daily recess.

National studies show state recess laws actually result in more recess, while local policies often do not move the needle. More than 20 states have state recess or physical activity laws already in place to benefit kids. Several more states are considering recess legislation this year. 


Let’s make sure Washington state students aren’t left missing out on the benefits of recess!

Read our policy recommendations here!

Take action and show support here!