
Through Pain Connection, U.S. Pain is proud to offer 20+ support group meetings each month thanks to peer and professional leaders who have each attended our comprehensive training.

Are you interested in starting a support group?

If yes, we are excited to share that we are seeking applications for our next chronic pain support group leader training!

This year, due to COVID-19, the training will be held virtually. But it will be chock full of the same in-depth information and opportunities to connect with fellow pain warriors.

The training will take place over a three-week period, from March 30 to April 15, meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-3:30 pm ET.

Application process and training details

  • Applications are due by March 3. All applicants will have a phone interview with Gwenn Herman, LCSW, DCSW. If you are selected to attend, she will let you know by email.
  • A scholarship is available for U.S. Pain volunteers who have been signed up for three months or more. The scholarship covers the costs of the training, which is $275 for non-volunteers and health care professionals.
  • All who receive the U.S. Pain scholarship are expected to launch a U.S. Pain support group. (Groups traditionally have been offered in person, but right now, due to COVID-19, they are all being held via Zoom.) This involves running your monthly group and also attending a monthly check-in meeting with me and other support group leaders.
  • Only one missed session is allowed. You will need to watch the missed session and then meet with Herman to discuss what was taught.
  • Upon completion of the training, you will receive a certificate and a copy of the manual, “Making the Invisible Visible.”

You can read more about the training here.