Is your pet prepared?

June is National Pet Preparedness Month, a great opportunity to think about how pets fit in to a family emergency preparedness plan. If they’re part of the family, they should be part of the plan.

Whidbey is ready! Is your pet?

Whidbey the Dog is included in his family’s emergency preparedness plan, and is a great example of how to be #PetReadyKingCounty:

  • Whidbey is licensed and microchipped, and he always wears a collar with identification tags that are current and easy to read.
  • Whidbey is prepared for the possibility of evacuation in case of fire, power outage, or other potential emergency because he is familiar with being on a leash and comfortable getting in and out of his carrier and the car.

Whidbey’s emergency kit is all packed up, including:

  • Enough food to last him for a few days
  • A large bottle of water plus a collapsible bowl
  • Medications, basic first aid supplies, and his vet records
  • A spare leash and other safety items
  • Sanitary supplies, including poop bags and a towel
  • Treats and a favorite toy to help keep him calm in a stressful event.

Is your pet prepared for disasters and emergencies? Take steps this month to begin or refresh your pet preparedness plan and include them in your family emergency plan. Post a selfie with your pet and include the hashtag to show how you are #PetReadyKingCounty!

For more information on pet preparedness visit the RASKC pet preparedness page and