Preparing Yourself for YA Book Challenges

On-Demand Webinar Description:

As book bans and challenges continue to increase throughout the country, YA library workers face many of these directly. YALSA and ALA's Office of Intellectual Freedom are teaming up to help you be as prepared as you can be. Deborah Coldwell-Stone, ALA's Director Office for Intellectual Freedom will share the big picture view of book bans and challenges as well as specifics in the Young Adult world. She will discuss resources and who you should reach out to if you find you and your library being challenged.


Deborah Caldwell-Stone is Director of ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom and Executive Director of the Freedom to Read Foundation. For over twenty years she has worked closely with library professionals and library trustees on a wide range of intellectual freedom issues related to library service in the United States. She has served on the faculty of the ALA-sponsored Lawyers for Libraries and Law for Librarians workshops and is a contributor to the 10th edition of the Intellectual Freedom Manual. She has contributed articles on law, policy, and intellectual freedom to American Libraries and other publications.